Use a %username% environment variable in file location paths


I want to group users' favorites in a single " user favorite" folder
and subfolders named by their username
which would result in something like this

This is in order to pool them and so that Peter can see Paul's favorites and simply copy and paste it into his folder and so that each user doesn't have to manually change his path in the SW " file location path" options

Do you have an idea? because the live use of %username% doesn't work (sw tells me that the folder doesn't exist because it doesn't value the variable.

If it doesn't work with the %username% variable since the SW options no choice, you will have to change the path manually.
The only other solution would be to develop a macro to modify the path by retrieving the information, but it seems complicated to me to modify a path in the options that you configure only once per workstation.

I didn't understand the question.
If you put a main folder in shared access with the user folders as a subfolder, everyone will have them in their interface.

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Yes Cyril but the idea is as follows
-a common pot where everyone can go and draw favorite\common favorite\

  • a personal folder where we put our favorites specific to the favorite user\username\

this implies that each user defines HIS own favorite folder in the SW options. I just wanted to see if it was possible to avoid that.

Ok I understand better but in general I prefer managed environments where at least everyone works the same way with the same tools.
By macro it must be the simplest but I remember seeing a parameter that pointed to the "my documents" folder of a workstation that changed itself when it was launched on another session or a workstation.
Just put in the settings a link to a folder that is linked to the user and then when importing the settings it seems to update itself.
I can't test anymore because we administer our parameters.

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Yes it would work but stored locally which I don't want. Thank you anyway.

We don't understand each other then.
Just put the favorites\common and favorite\personal folders as a subfolder of a head folder called e.g. design library and everyone will have access to everything.

Yes, the link to "MyDocuments" is valid regardless of the position or session, but its content will not be updated.
For your last proposal: yes it works but I would have preferred that everyone not see all the "users" folders but hey I'll go with that. Thank you

I assure you that we don't understand each other.
On the one hand, you want users to be able to see Peter or Paul's favorites, but in the end it's not desirable for them to access them.
So I don't understand the problem with my documents or a folder that would be at the root of the C:\ of each post.
So I come back to I have a little trouble understanding the need.

Yes, sorry, I lacked detail.
a common file visible to all.
a personal folder visible only to the user because each user has particular needs of favorite or tolerance according to his specialty

So personal favorites don't pollute public favorites
Sorry for the unnecessary back and forth.

In this case, we have to see if there is a possibility to set the access rights to the different subfolders, otherwise there is the proposal to @sbadenis via macro

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Why not use a synchronization software to recover the ownership of each workstation to make a copy of it in your common network directory.
Backup software (SymBackFree; freefilessync...)

see: Download SyncBackFree - Utilities - Digital

Kind regards.