View orientation value and create 3x3 new views


I'm looking for a method to recreate a view identically:

  • - Dimetric
  • - Trimetric
  • -Isometric 

I would like to be able to create for the other 3 sides because I still do this (see photo) but I would like to recreate:

  • - the same mirror with respect to the plane on the right
  • - the same mirror in relation to the front plane (which is in the center of all my assemblies)
  • - the same "diagonal" so on the opposite side

I don't know if I'm explaining myself well. The method with the arrows works but it's still pretty much a bit off, I'd like to have a faster method for each of my assemblies (even if it means creating views directly in my assembly model)

Thanks in advance

FYI, when you're in iso, just press shift and then the axis on the sw coordinate system (here y-axis), so the view rotates 90° then you just have to save the view to find it in the drawing.


why don't you create plans for your symmetries

and you will make these symmetries via these plans

@+ ;-)


I thought about the sym plan but I don't know how to make it, when I'm in a very specific view, create a plan as if it were a "second" front plan...  

In a very specific view as you say, you have to create a construction line in the direction you want your view 

you click on this line and its endpoint 

This will make you a plan to nommer@+

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Everywhere I went, I had created the "orientations" I wanted in the DOT (new file).

Then in the MEP, just call this orientation.

Then to add these orientations into an existing ASM or PRT, by putting in:

Options Systems / Views / 5° increments (or other values)

It allows in the 3D, starting from the front view, then making the L-D pivot, then the H-B, to always find the same view, and to save it in the 3D.

(always do L-R first, then H-B after to keep vertical lines)

(example: 5 on the left, then 3 on the bottom)

Then, if you want to update the 3D view with the model (because the DOTs are not at the right zoom level), you just have to activate the "Thumbnail" view, then zoom in, then re-save the view on the same name (the name appears at the bottom left of the graphics window.

Access to the view management menu with the "Space" key.

Extremely useful also for the library, to manage the "Miniature"