Rounded Excel Stored Value


I am currently managing notes contained in a CAD (via custom properties and a part family), I would like to know if it is possible to prevent Excel from storing rounded values in memory (e.g. 29.00 displayed gives a value of 29).
The goal is to display in my notes the numbers with 2 decimal places at the end even when the number ends in 0 (the notes serve as altimetry).
It would be: 27.10 - 27.15 - 27.20...etc
Today my ratings displayed: 27.1 - 27.15 - 27.2...etc

Kind regards


In Excel on the cell concerned you just have to do: Right click "Cell format" number tab and choose "Custom" and on the right choose "0.00".

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First of all, thank you for your answer but unfortunately I have already tried this action without success.
Attached is a screenshot of the problem. When I select the 27.20 box, the correct number is displayed, but the value stored in memory for Excel is 27.2.
Value that will be sent to my custom properties.


It's normal that XL doesn't bother with unnecessary zeros, it's just a display problem.

If the XL settings do not follow in SW, you have to go to those of SW: either the SW units panel or the dimension display mode (in the document properties)

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Or in your custom property you have to be able to put text to have these 0 after the commas (to be tested)

It's normal that XL doesn't bother with unnecessary zeros, it's just a display problem.

If the XL settings do not follow in SW, you have to go to those of SW: either the SW units panel or the dimension display mode (in the document properties)

The problem comes from the value sent by Excel, SW sees 27.2 it doesn't bother and keeps this value in the custom properties. I tested in "Options/Document Property/under Zeros on the right , I selected Show" But it doesn't change anything, including the units in the CAD, nothing helps.

Or in your custom property you have to be able to put text to have these 0 after the commas (to be tested)

The problem remains the same, the value in SW is the one sent by Excel so without the 0. Putting in text or number doesn't change anything.
On the other hand, it gave me the idea to apply this principle in the Excel table, unfortunately in text format I can no longer control the calculation formula that modifies all the values after the 1st (written by hand). 

There are formulas in XL to convert a number to text and vice versa (CNUM, CTXT)

While looking for information on the previous functions, I came across this one (it's okay, no harm): TEXT.

You may have to go through intermediate columns (a numeric one for the value and do the calculations, one in text format to transfer the formatted value)

There are formulas in XL to convert a number to text and vice versa (CNUM, CTXT)

While looking for information on the previous functions, I came across this one (it's okay, no harm): TEXT.

You may have to go through intermediate columns (a numeric one for the value and do the calculations, one in text format to transfer the formatted value)

Indeed, I hadn't thought about it at all. 
Thank you so much I will try this.