Checking for bubbles in the BOM


In the past, I knew how to make an additional column appear in the nomenclature that allowed you to see which part has been bubbled and which part has not yet been bubbled on the plan.

This was very useful when the number of pieces is large. But now I can't find how to activate this famous column.

If anyone knows, I thank them in advance. ;)

You have to click on the 3 arrows (N°1) to make it appear or disappear:


Well yes that's what I was doing so, but I didn't have the bubbles that were displayed when I clicked on them strangely.

Maybe it's because I created the nomenclature after inserting the bubbles, I don't know.

On the next plan I will do the nomenclature first to see.

Thank you. ;)


No, you only see the balloons that are in the reference view that you selected for the creation of the BOM.


Forget it, I just figured out why I didn't have any bubbles displayed...

In fact, the bubble disappears from the nomenclature when you inserted it on the plan. 

I thought that, on the contrary, it appeared in the nomenclature when you inserted it.

So as I had them all on the plan, well I didn't see them in the NM!!

Ah, ah...  ^^


Strange, normally, the marker in the nomenclature appears when you put the bubble down.
On the other hand, the bubble must display the number and nothing else as information.
And obviously, the right nomenclature must be attached to the properties of the view.


Yes, I too thought that in the past the bubble appeared in the NM when it was inserted into the plane.
Hence the fact that I thought it didn't work at first.

But here on my last shot it was the opposite. Weird.

Namely that I don't have the same workstation or the same version of solidworks.
So there can be totally random options that are activated unlike my old post and that make this difference.