Lock in a quote?


Is it possible to lock a dimension so that its value does not change even if I move a point manually? An equivalent of the "Fixed" constraint of an entity but for quotes.

For example, if I have a square with dimensions, I select the point of a corner, and move it with the mouse, and even though the entire square follows the mouse without distorting.


You can use the sketch function "Move entities",

Or else your square must not be constrained in relation to something fixed.

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Hi Sylk,

In addition to Peter S' answer , if the 4 corners are free, you can move the square without any problem.


Kind regards



Thank you for the answers, unfortunately it's a little more complicated than that.

The problem is that these are shapes in construction lines, and that these shapes overlap. The goal is to be able to move one shape without moving the other. If I create a selection box, it will inevitably include lines of another shape, forcing me to exclude them manually. I wanted to avoid this by just clicking and moving one of the lines or one of the points to move all the lines in the shape without the dimensions changing. In short, that the form retains its integrity constrained by the quotations.

So I did something else, adding distance dimensions to move the shapes with values.

I think that an option to freeze the value of a quote would not be a luxury, like "read only", "driven", "frozen". But it's a feature request that won't be heard.

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Hi Sylk,

Okay I understand better, do you have an example file to do tests?

Have you tried with blocks? 

If not, for the selection, when you have several overlapping strokes , you can right-click on your stroke and  "Select another"


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In general, for sketches that are a bit complex like the one you seem to have, I avoid putting everything in the same sketch: I make a coherent sketch per piece (e.g., in your case: a sketch in the construction line, a sketch for the square, etc.).


Yes @stefbeno that's more or less what I thought of doing but as they are milling marks (to estimate, cutting offsets, etc.) I prefer to keep them grouped together.

Thanks @Nicolas.CA , Indeed in block form I can select and move the shape as it should. I had already tried but I had to do something wrong because it didn't work. This is how it works.

This solves part of the problem, the displacement of the form.

What is restrictive about a block is that it must be edited to view the dimensions. I'd rather see the quotes of all shapes at the same time.

The problem with "non-freezable" quotes is the change in their value by moving a point. The thing is that it won't necessarily affect the quotations that we want to see changed.

In my attached example, I have a line in my triangle, the ends of which are coincident with the sides of the triangle. This line is 1mm and I want that no matter what line or point of the triangle I move, that line is ALWAYS 1mm. Let it change the angle or another dimension, but let this line still measure 1mm. It must move along the sides of the triangle to agree with this length constraint, but not that it remains fixed (despite the absence of this constraint) and lengthens. In short, that the line adjusts its position but not its length

I don't know if it's clear. And especially if you see the interest of being able to lock in a quote.

Test the SW 2020 sketch in pj



Try playing around with the tip of the triangle sketch to see if that's what you'd like to have? If that's it; I just constrained in the middle and removed the angular dimension.

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Oh damn, I can't read your file, I'm on Solidworks 2019. 

In fact it is possible to display the dimensions of a block but only in drawing. bad luck!
The only solution I know: in the sketch where the block is located, you create points at the ends of your triangle, then you can add a dimension on the points that are linked to your block. The block slips and the dimension is "frozen" because the block is not editable. Quite a gasworks! ;)


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Le problème de cotations "non gelables" c'est le changement de leur valeur en déplaçant un point. Le truc c'est que ça ne va pas forcément affecter les cotations que l'on veut voir changer.

Dans mon exemple ci-joint, j'ai une ligne dans mon triangle, dont les extrémités sont coïncidentes avec les côtés du triangle. Cette ligne mesure 1mm et je veux que quel que soit la ligne ou le point du triangle que je bouge, cette ligne fasse TOUJOURS 1mm. Que ça change l'angle ou une autre cotation, mais que cette ligne mesure toujours 1mm. Qu'elle se déplace le long des côtés du triangle pour s'accorder avec cette contrainte de longueur, mais pas qu'elle reste fixe (malgré l'absence de cette contrainte) et s'allonge. En résumé, que la ligne ajuste sa position mais pas sa longueur

I think I have the solution to your problem:

I bet the line "Change dimensions during drag/drop operation" is checked at your place

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Right in the bull's @stefbeno!! Too strong.

I wouldn't have thought of going there! This option would have its place in the context menu of the line rather than in the tools menu (how is it a tool??) ...

I'm going to add this button in a custom bar!

Anyway it's perfect, exactly the answer to the question. And I'm sure others will be happy to hear about this option.

Many thanks u_u

PS: And thank you to all the speakers for your informative help

Ahah, that's why I didn't understand why you asked to "freeze" the listing because I'm obviously unchecked and it worked without any problems at home!
Good luck


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