I find myself stuck with this message which appears in the middle of solving calculations with simulation. And this window, once closed, comes back tirelessly.
Have you ever encountered this problem and if so, how did you solve it?
Thank you
Hello clement.merlin,
Yes I already have this problem but for a Solidworks " part " file.
But not with simulation, because I use it very little.
So maybe you'll find a solution with that=>https://fr.repairmsexcel.com/blog/resoudre-excel-partage-violation-erreur.
It has nothing to do with it but can simulation use Excell ...!!
I think someone has the solution.
Good luck.
Most of the time it's that the solver is used on the network (a server), and it doesn't always like it, if you copy the element to " Simulate " on your local disk it should solve the problem... in theory.
It does it to me regularly. I click " ok " until he gets tired and it ends up going
I asked myself the question and I transfer everything locally. But it continues even on parts not imported from a server...
I'm the one who tires ^^ 21 windows at each calculation it's really not optimized...
the link seems dead on my side...
Thank you all the same
As you say. A little weight on the " enter " button and it goes by itself
The question I should have asked much earlier:
@clement.merlin : What is the Solidworks version used (year+sp)?