Parametric screw and insert template


1.Can someone give me information? I want to make a library of parametric screws that offers these proposals, see attached, diameter, length ... when you insert it. I made a screw with a family of parts thinking that it was that but nothing happens, it fits like a landad piece. The part has been downloaded on this site (thanks by the way) but I am missing wooden screws, tapping ...

2. Another question. We prefer to do assemblies with in-house part registration. But what I find less practical is that when we want to make "New part" it doesn't offer a part template while I put the link well since I have the choice when I create a new part. Do you follow me?

Thank you in advance for those who will answer me.


Hello @Franck_9

when you say """ We prefer to do assemblies with in-house part registration. """ does this mean that you directly created the parts in the top-down assembly method. Instead of creating the parts and then putting them in the assembly.

If I understand you want a part template which includes the parameters (e.g. number of decimal places, appearances, etc...)

In the you can also define a lot of parameters. Normally equivalent to what you'd have in a You just have to set up the (the asm model in plain English)

For the first question, I will let my colleagues answer you.

I suggest you indicate which version of SW you have because depending on the version it's more or less sophisticated for the parametric side.

Kind regards



Internally, I understand the assembly. I'll see the asm settings if I missed something.

Our version is the latest, from 2020 but we are in standard, without a toolbox, hence the importance of making parametric screws to fill the gap.

You should open a second discussion, it will be easier to answer since the 2 questions are totally independent of each other.

For the screw, I don't know, I recovered a few but I didn't look into the question. Maybe see the "smart components" side.

For the problem of choosing the template, you have to go to the options:

Either you only have a part/asm template and you have to indicate their path/name and check "always use the default template" (this must be your case right now but the default template is not the one you want. Either you check "Ask the user... " and SW will open the window that is fine.

For the virtual (internal) components, I'm not a fan in general, you have the impression of simplifying your life by not having to manage the files but:
- if it crashes, you lose everything, when in general, it's either the ASM or just a piece;
- the file is very heavy, if you need to make subsets, it won't go well to pass a component from one ASM to another
- You talk about having a screw library (among other things), so you will mix internal and external. If you create links between the pieces and you need to take a part out to reuse it elsewhere, it will be very very complicated (I have lived).

I reserve these components for a few commercial parts such as hinges, robots (which have internal mobility that I want to keep by playing with flexibility).


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For point n°1, you have to use the publisher configurator

Here is a link that can help you: publisher settings

as well as a video


For point 2:

 I don't like to use virtual components, the assemblies are much less stable.


Avoid putting several points in a question. It is better to create one question per point.




I confirm you have to use Publsher configuration for your request 1 ( yannick.petit )

For point 2, same opinion.



Perfect, thank you.

I take note of your opinions for the internal recording

And in the future I will do 2 positions.