Visibility of extrusions on a unfolded model in drawing

We need to make notches on our sheet metal parts so that they can be bent according to these notches.

I manage to make the notches on the unfolded model of the part (not visible when I fold the part, normal). When I insert my unfolded piece into a drawing, you don't see the famous notches.


Thank you in advance for your answers.


Why do your material removal on an unfolded part and not on your folded part?


Can you attach this said piece?


Is there no way to set this in the crease notches?


Because it will be complicated for me to make notches on bent sheet metal parts. It is easier to do this on the unfolded with the fold line marks...



I looked with the ply notching, but obviously the notching only occurs when you leave material next to the ply and not when you bend the entire length of your sheet metal....


Your screen view is very small, but it looks like your holes that serve as a guide are after the unfolded state!

Try to reassemble them, insert an unfold function (Insert/Sheet metal/Unfold) just before to place the holes flat, and then immediately after place a Fold function.

Example in SW13


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Attached is the document


Thank you Benoit,


But when I make a fallen edge on a sheet metal, I can't do before the notches. I have to make my folds and then thanks to the fold lines I create my notches.

If it's laser cutting, why not just engrave the crease?


I'm not a specialist in sheet metal, far from it, but I don't see what's bothering me. These 3 operations (unfold, drill and fold) must be just before the "Unfolded state" function, i.e. when your part already has all its shapes.

Normally it should be fine, or something escapes me (very likely). In this case, an image of an example with a fallen edge?


The problem comes from the churning?


Just edit the edge bend and edit the bend line.


This avoids a removal of material that will leave a part of the fold.

This may be a solution, we have to see what it generates in terms of handling compared to our method that we used on Inventor. But why not...

The problem is that we do a lot of casing and enclosure on the surface, which we transform into sheet metal elements, and each element is unfolded to carry out the flow and folding plans. It was therefore easier to use the bend lines as references for the holes...

I don't see any problems, I downloaded your part, I made a mep and you can see the piercings.


Go to your configurations, click on Flat Pattern and click on Unfolded, and then click on Default and folded your piece.


Your configs are mixed.


There, as I see it, your unfolded state is folded.

I'm checking... Thank you

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It's solved....

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Was that right?


Info in pictures for others


yes absolutely...