Hi all
I would like to know if we could change the color of a section view that is in error following the message below because my section view is all red due to this message and I tried to solve the failed component but I didn't succeed.
Hi all
I would like to know if we could change the color of a section view that is in error following the message below because my section view is all red due to this message and I tried to solve the failed component but I didn't succeed.
Your line should not be long enough to cut your model
I can't put my drawing for privacy reasons on my assembly but I can confirm that my cut line goes through the whole model.
I looked at the color options but I couldn't find how this red color was assigned for the sectional view in error.
And exclude this room from the cross-sectional view, is it possible?
(right-click on the cross-sectional view)
Have you tried to shift the cut line by 0.01?
Often this is due to the fact that SW does not like at all sections whose plane is tangent to a cylinder/sphere, which generates entities with at least one of the dimensions zero.
You may have your cut line that is tangent to a hole.
Personally I'll try to fix the mistake instead of changing the color...
Otherwise system D, make a configue with an extrusion from the 3D (not great but can be troubled). +1 pascal, it's better to solve the problem, it can be complicated in the future if it's made up.
Thank you for your answers.
@MaD: The color has not changed
@a.leblanc: I can't exclude my part, I need it for the drawing
@stefbeno: I had already tried moving the cut line to different places but nothing.
@pascal: Yes, that's what I usually do, but my piece is heavy in size, so reconstructions are a huge waste of time.
Before eating I will edit my part that is making a mistake and edit one of my functions because I know that it can be a bug sometimes, I will run this before eating like this, it will have time to rebuild and I will keep you informed if it works again.
exclude from the cut,
does not mean excluded from the MEP,
We would have to try to see what it does.
the part in question is a "3D import"? Or a "built" room?
To avoid unnecessary rebuilds, lower your block bar which has been available since 2012 and to activate it just go to system options and activate the block bar and then lower it to your last function in the creation tree...
Thank you all for your answers, everything is back to normal, it was indeed a bug.
@ac cobra: this blocking bar is not useful to me in my case because it is my last function which is the repetition which is heavy in reconstruction.
If it's an ASM, checking loading lightweight components saves time.
Glad you found a solution.
So, what is this bug and where does it come from?
@a.leblanc: yes thank you that's what I use and we can even switch to complex assembly mode
@pascal: the bug was causing me an error on my section view which was related to the complexity of my sheet metal part and I know that by editing some functions of the part that is part of the assembly it can solve this section view error bug.
Before eating I will edit my part that is making a mistake and edit one of my functions because I know that it can be a bug sometimes, I will run this before eating like this, it will have time to rebuild and I will keep you informed if it works again.