Unfolded view on a drawing


  I made a first piece of sheet metal with its associated drawing on 2 sheets, one of which has the view unfolded.

Everything works well.

I then made a take-home configuration of this first room in order to make a second room close.

When I go back to the drawing, the sheet with the unfolded one doesn't represent the unfolded view of the part. Neither in the palette of views.

Has anyone ever encountered this?


Thanks in advance


Did you record your piece with the configuration unfolded before making the composition?
Sometimes we make a plan with an unfolded device but we forget to save the piece so we don't save its unfolded state .

may the force be with you.




When you modified your 2nd piece, didn't it make unfolding impossible? 


If you do the unfolded part in the 3D for example, does it give you the right part or the ununfolded part?


You probably clicked on the unfolded view of your drawing to open your room, then save.


Solution: open the room, go to the config, open the flat pattern config and unfold the room and save


Hi all


Thank you for your answers and sorry for the delay in responding.

Regarding the part, it does contain the MSflat pattern config. When I click on this config, the part appears in the unfolded state.

Where I have a problem is in the drawing. Even if I update the front view palette, SWorks understands that I have a sheet metal part and offers me the unfolded state but in this view I unfortunately have the same thing as the front view!!

If I place it qd even on the map and I click on it to see what it is, it tells me that it is indeed the view of the Default-MS-flat pattern config with the unfolded state checkbox in orientation...

Thanks in advance


Have a nice day




Thank you bart,


By proceeding a bit like you suggested, it seems to have worked.

I also had another problem with my view palette pointing to another room and not the original one.

So I did the bart manip several times, then rebuilt the room and updated the palette of views and that

seems to be working.

Thanks again