Preset view - unfolded

How do I create a predefined view in the unfolded state (sheet metal) on a drwdot file?

just insert it into the drawing and then save this MeP as a reference


See attachment.




Nothing to say about + @ Gérald said it all

you have your answer, all you have to do is declare it as the best answer

@+ ;-))

However, if you are in multibody, your unfolded view will not be visible.


You will have to insert a view, any view, then select in the left pane "select the body", select the body to unfold, then finally click on unfolded state in the left pane


Thank you for your answers. But are you sure that it works on an automatic drwdot type drawing? 

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Yes, that's for sure.


On the other hand, for predefined views, you may have to go through the left pane by checking the unfolded box if the unfolded view is not present by default


yes it's sure (that's what I do;))

But on the other hand I made different MeP if it's sheet metal, machining, sewing,....


So, I summarize:

I created my drdot type plan file using a sheet metal piece of some kind.

I set it up to have my front views, right... AND my view unfolded.

Finally, I save this plan file in drwdot format. 

So when I integrate other sheet metal files on this drawing, the views will automatically organize themselves as before... And I'll have my view unfolded WITHOUT having to do it manually.

Is that correct? If so, I'll try at the beginning of next week


Thank you

Yes, that's right.


Pay attention to the size of your views. So that it stays in the format of your sheet.


Sion everything is ok =)


We look forward to your return!

I have to choose the unfolded state manually.