Solidworks view


I have a plate in an assembly that is inclined according to two planes, I would like to have this plate in the orthogonal view and not tilted as it is in the assembly

How to do it,

Thank you

Hello, if your MEP concerns your room, you open it, you orient it as you wish, you create your drawing and you can choose the view relating to the model.

Another technique, you orient your piece as you wish, you right-click in your graphic area and you choose the option "Save this view as..." " => and you choose what suits you best, front view, right view, left view, top etc etc...





There are 3 possibilities (or more!).

1) In 3D, you position yourself so that the view corresponds to what you want as a front view (first view of the drawing). Go to your drawing and insert a view of the model, and instead of selecting Face, ..., select "Current View"

2) Proceed in the same way to place the 3D as desired, but instead of going directly into the 2D, press the spacebar, and save this "New View". Go to the drawing and you can choose this new 3D view as the orientation.

3) If you have already inserted a view of your odele in the 2D, you can insert a relative view (Insert/Drawing View/Relative View) which allows you to select in the 3D what will be your front, right, ...




My technique, in the room, select the face for the front view, then in Orientation views save that view and use it in the MEP.


Thank you all

Have a nice day

There is a 4th possibility:

After orienting the part to be in front view, press the SPACEBAR to display the "Orientation" panel and choose "Update Standard View"

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