
I have to make part detail plans with a plan for each part (a different .slddrw file for each part) that I use for machining.
But I also have to copy all the views of all my detail plans onto a single overall plan to give to the client.
So until then, it's simple, you have to copy/paste the views and that's it.
But the problem is if there is a need to update a dimension tolerance or add a dimension, ... On a view of a detail plane, it will not update on the overall plan (and vice versa) since the views are not linked.

My question: Is it possible to link these same views on so that updates are done automatically?

(I can also make it easier to link my detail plans to be additional sheets to my overall plan, but how do I do that?)


I'm going to take the problem a little backwards: why do you need a separate file for each part?

To do multifolio, if you have already made the individual plans, you can use the sheet rather than the view. Even simpler, you can also drag the tab from one sldw to another.

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I need to print my detail plans in A4 or A3 with their own cartridges because we distribute each plan separately in the factory.
But I also need to provide an overview to my client with the overviews of my tooling with the bill of materials and the bubble and all the detailed views of each part next to it on the same sheet in A0.

Then I can do it either in separate files or have several tabs in the same drawing file, it's not a problem.

But it doesn't solve my problem that my views of my detail plans are copies and therefore won't update with each other.

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for the client, native SW or pdf file

can you provide an example


A good old concatenation of pdfs to give to the customer??

It's not automatic but it must be able to go quite quickly. There may be concatenation tools that allow you to keep the list of basic files (which would be handy if your file names don't change with revisions)


Hello Froussel,

In absolute terms, it would work. I tried, and we can keep the link between the plan and the pdfs but we can't crop the pdf sheet after importing the object on our overall plan. The objective is to keep only the area where you can see the views and exclude the title block and the frame of the sheet.

Thank you, it's a good lead but it doesn't completely solve my problem.