WhereUsed Malfunctions on SW 2018 SP3


I just have one remark, I like to use the "WhereUsed " function from SW 2018 SP3, since we switched to the SW2018 version it bugs and it lags a lot,  it works but after about 1 hour or more, why?


This is not a function of SolidWorks (Dassault).

It's a "Third-Party Tools" (addon) = MycadTools



The best thing to do is to contact your MyCadTools tool dealer.

2 Small questions though:

- When you changed your version of Solidworks, did you migrate all your files from previous version to the 2018 version?

- If no to the previous question, does it also if you only have SW2018 files in the search folder?

Kind regards

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Hello Roger,

Thank you for your answer.

All files are in 2018 version.

Indeed, when searching, I put directly in the same directory it goes better, but if I put a search in the head directory on the other hand it lags and blocks Solidworks. Before I launched "WhereUser", I could continue to work, now it's more the case in the 2 search cases...

There you go, thank you all the same, cordially.




This is probably a new bug, we have experienced the same kind of bug with some MyCadtools software in 2016 version, you just have to report it by ticket to the hotline and then it intervenes according to the degree of urgency. But if the bug is real, no worries, they will make the modification.




Thank you very much for the information,

Kind regards.


FYI, once again no need for Third-Party Tools because Solidworks has what it takes!

SolidWorks Explorer

it uses the SolidWorks search paths, so if you have a search, before starting, check when in Solidworks, you point to the root folder in which you want to work:

SolidWorks / System Options / File Location / Search Path /...

once this is done, we launch Solidworks-Explorer, in: Options / Search /

we uncheck "include 3D content central" (depending on your need or not)

and we can see below where he will do the search.

We exit the options, then we just have to type in the search for the file name, and if necessary we can also see the "use in"

See screenshot

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in addition it allows you to have everything that is useful for Solidworks:

config, property, child files, parent files,

and we even have the thumbnail, and if necessary we can even have a preview integrated with eDrawing, which allows you to zoom, etc...

Yes and no, Solidworks has what it takes outside of Solidworks. As far as I know, MyCADTools is integrated into Solidworks and it avoids opening another application (Solidworks explorer also has its limitations and its slowness)

WhereUsed remains a separate window, a separate program in Windows.

The advantage of SolidWorks-Explorer is that it is truly self-contained, and that it is a basic program with SolidWorks.

I find Solidworks-Explorer good, for the speed it is not a problem for users, given the many additional functions compared to WhereUsed.

In SW-Explorer the scroll wheel navigation with the thumbnails in instant is really well thought out, interesting to use.