Would there be a solution to make an IAM (21000 p.) easier to manipulate?


Would there be a solution to make a set of IAM pieces (21000 p.) easier to handle while keeping access to the iProperties.

I have a Product that includes + 21000 parts.

I have reduced it to - 900 pieces to make it easier to handle. (level of detail)

My problem is to use it in an IPN where IDW Inventor constantly starts to recalculate the 21000 parts.

For example, I want to have access to iProperties in an IDW so as not to retype the nr. of play in my views.

In an IPN Inventor no longer recognizes the defined level of detail and rebalances the 21000 parts.

In the 2 cases I can't do anything my computer calculates indefinitely :-(

Do you have an idea?

Thank you

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Can't save your assembly in a different format?


This will make it lighter.

it won't help me in my case because I want to keep the iProperties for the description of the rooms (BOM).

otherwise I find myself retyping the number of the rooms.

My problem I also have with an IPN that doesn't recognize any level of detail.


And by doing "create a simplified room"??

If I oversimplify my product I won't have enough info to make an exostive part list.

Or do I misunderstand your answer to Hincelin?

I am new to Inventor and our hotline did not offer me a very convincing solution.



This function seems to me to be a good fit: it creates a single .ipt from the set without including the hidden components of the level of detail.

Excerpt from the help: 

Use Create Simplified Part to create a simple part (.ipt). All included components will be combined into a single piece.

The new file is saved and opened for viewing and editing.

  1. File Set (IAM): On the ribbon, click the Simplify Feature Group tab Create Simplified Part.
  2. Specify the combination style

    You can choose between :

    • A single solid body fused with the joints between the planar faces.
    • A single solid body preserved with the joints between the flat faces.
    • Keep each solid as a separate body.
  3. Specify the name, template, and location where the file is saved.
  4. Click OK.
Remark: Hidden components are not included in the part.
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Thanks A-Hincelin that's what I did with the subsets.

we're migrating this week to Vault and that should solve my problem, I've been told!

Modifications are to be made in my construction and I will see afterwards if the problems pierce.

Thank you again.

After a long absence!
Indeed my link problem with unsimplified files was solved once the project was migrated to Vault.
Thank you however for your help.