Help with SIMULATION "lifting basket"


I've always managed on SIMULATION on relatively simple applications but here I'm struggling!

I have a lifting basket (dimension 1030x1570) that I lift with a hoist via arms and ring at the 4 corners.

The slings at the 4 corners  are represented by sketches and meet in the center.

The load is 1500 kg on the basket tray and the basket weighs 123 kg for a total of 1623 kg!

I would like to know the deformations related to lifting under load!

If a good soul can help me, there is the pack and go in 2020 version.....

Thank you!

Good evening

You wouldn't have it in the 2019 V5 version otherwise post images of your parts and especially your simulation settings.

Are the deformities you want to observe those of the arms? Or the stage?

On the other hand, I didn't understand when you say (( The slings at the 4 corners  are represented by sketches and meet in the center . ))

Kind regards

Thank you for your feedback... In PC, a screenshot you'll understand..... on the tray I lay 1500 kg distributed and I lift it from the slings via a hoist ....



Thank you for the image that allows you to instantly understand the request.

I'll answer your request but I think there will be something to say about the shape and position of your gussets in view of the pulling efforts.

For your simulation, you have to make a dividing line on your rings on a surface. Rather than a long explanation, look at the tutorial I made some time ago. On youtube it's at 3:47 mn and I'm still at your disposal to help you achieve your goals.

Note: compared to the tutorial you obviously need four planes (one per lifting ring)  and you don't have to put them in the center but you just have to shift them a few centimeters from the rings. Arrange for the angle of your shots to converge towards the central point of the draw.

You have to put a distributed load (especially not a force) on your plate without forgetting to put the sense of gravity (down ;-) ;-)  )
For the results of your simulation, you need to activate the safety factor which is not activated as standard.

I meddle in what doesn't concern me [Top]
As your sketches are not in the axis of your rings which seem to be welded and not articulated in an eyelet, so as they are placed, it is they, or more precisely the welds of them, that will eat all the max stresses. If you don't want to be annoyed, you have to rotate your rings 90°. So whatever the length of the slings, the traction will be strictly in the axis and your welds will not suffer. You will always have someone who will put slings other than what you have planned so you will spare your angle of traction and by the same token your welds. In addition, the load will not always be centered on the theoretical barycenter. for your simu you have to take into account the CG of your load which will be higher than the basket and also to off-center your load on the edges (it's not a textbook case)
Pay attention to the angle of your slings, which should be between 45° and 60°. The angle of your sketches doesn't seem good on your drawing.
The target of your simulation is a coeff of at least 4 for your case
I meddle in what is none of my business [End]

Kind regards




I'll look into it!

For your information, the rings are screwed M16 and totally rotating on the 2 axes but you're right I'm already going to orient them according to the traction of the sling!

The angle of the sling is defined by the height of the hook point and I can't do better!

Thank you!!

It was super kind of you but I've been pedaling since this morning on this subject.... too much of a gap!!

Hello @peduchet

We're here to help you pedal so don't hesitate to ask your questions as you go.

There is always more in three heads than in one it seems ;-)

Kind regards