Function Library: Mechanically Welded Part


I created a library feature for use with a mechanically welded part.

I wish that some "mechanically welded" properties arrive at the same time as the insertion of the function.

For the moment by putting properties on the body of the LFP (declared in MS exhibit), nothing follows...

Is this possible?

How to do it?

Thank you in advance for your answers


What sw are you under?

Can you post your piece and specify which property you want?

May the force be with you


I don't understand the question :-(

A property of mechanically welded part is for the part

and not for a function

a library function is by nature

A combination of functions to be created for an action on a body via positioning refs

if I am not mistaken

a screenshot with a little more info would be welcome



Attached is a screenshot with:

at the bottom: the MS part, the inserted library element "Fixation CdC"

at the top : the MEP, and the nomenclature which is empty.... And that's where I'd like it to be pre-filled...

The inserted part corresponds to parts in stock that are welded to an MS part (e.g. weld hinge, lock, standard accessory holder, etc.).

But while writing, I tell myself that a library function only imports functions. However, MS properties are linked to a field. And we don't insert a body, just functions.

So I'm not in a position to get there "automatically"


Oh yes, I'm on SW2015 x64 SP4.0


EDIT: With the Insert part function, there would have been hope, but:

- there is always a link, so it's very heavy after a while

- the MS properties of the bodies of the inserted part are not taken up in the MS part that served as a support

- the implementation is much more laborious

=> so advantage to the function bib (and in addition you have the right to configurations or to modify certain dimensions)


Have you tried to decompose the library function (right click on the function then decompose the function ....)

may the force be with you.


have you tried to decompose the function library (right-click on the function then decompose the function ....) ==> and then?

I only get functions, but nothing more at the level of the body

Can you give us your function so that we can see the problem better.


Attached is Exhibit SLDLFP



Why not bring the part directly back into the room??? it works and you and you keep the properties... See PJ (which I had done for another question)


So it's normal because your function is not a body so in a nomenclature it can't appear. It's just subtraction functions, extrusion etc..... that are an integral part of your room. Clearly you see 2 pieces but for sw it's 1.

edit, as @ac cobra 427 says to see it in your nomenclature  make an assembly.


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Thank you for the proposal, but what I'm looking for above all is to retrieve the properties for the MS table... and for the moment it doesn't work.

Then, inserting a part within a room keeps a link between the files, which makes it heavier...

Thank you for the proposal, but what I'm looking for above all is to retrieve the properties for the MS table... and for the moment it doesn't work.

Then, inserting a part within a room keeps a link between the files, which makes it heavier...

Well, I think it's simply not possible.

The 4th post sums up the situation quite well...


If the SW dev is dragging around here, or if Axemble reports the requests for improvements: It would have been necessary body libraries (with MS properties) on the same principle as the LFP (some parameters to change and use of configs) and the possibility of breaking the link with the library.

thank you all, I'm putting the topic to be solved

See the 4th post which summarizes the pb

Hello, sorry but I don't agree with your best answer. 

Indeed, if someone has the same concern as you one day, he will not be better off. His has neither head nor tail. Try to make it clearer next time.

Thank you, very cordially


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in agreement with @ G same punishment -1

Question Have you opened your article file list of welded parts?


If it's the 4th post that solved your problem and if you count on it, it's OBI WAN... So -1 because you gave yourself the best answer...

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So the WE made some beautiful reflections mature ;-)

Well yes, when you click on I don't know which button to give the answer, it inserts a post that shifts everything below so the 4 becomes the 5, etc...

Then it was not possible to change the answer, so ... no comment.

Sorry for everyone, but it was difficult for me to attribute the best answer to one of your answers, read it objectively: it has proposals that partially answered the problem posed.

And finally, I don't have the perfect answer. Depending on the needs of each person, he will use this or that method. It's up to him to choose, the former 4th post (now 5th post) indicated the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods, and it will be up to the reader to make an informed choice.


I don't want to get into the controversy but I think  I was clear in saying that it was not possible because your function is not a body. Sorry but @G  @gt22 and @ ac cobra  427 are right.

No hard feelings @rv69 and see you soon on lynkoa.

May the force be with you

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and who of + is................. What for?................. What is the use?

I wish that some "mechanically welded" properties arrive at the same time as the insertion of the function.



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