Bending a part



Here is my problem: I want to make the following part (see P.J plan inventor), it is an extruded part that I would like to bend in its center according to a sketch on the plan below. I can't find any function that can perform this operation on SW!!




Thank you




the Swept Bent-Sheet Sheet feature in Solidworks might work in your case.


Plot your trajectory, then your profile and launch the function.

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thank you Bart,


but it's a piece that I want to have unfolded next for the MEP

You will be able to unfold it without worries.

What about bending?

I've tried bending, but it doesn't work; I'm going to try Bart's idea.

The Swept Bent-Sheet function is just that.


It is part of the sheet metal module and allows bent parts to be unfolded

it looks like this (see pj)


Don't forget to select the right cylindrical edge


ok bart,


on the PJ I created my profile and a trajectory, except that to make a swept bent sheet metal the profile must be an open sketch.... impossible for me because it's a volume I want...


Is it an angle that you want to model? Just like on your attachment.


You just have to draw an "L" and the thickness will take care of itself.


If your part is not a bent sheet metal, it is not possible to achieve what you want.





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it's not a sheet metal it's a big piece of iron.... and if you did 1 flat config and 1 flex config .... the 2 in the same plan at worst

Could it be a piece that has already appeared in another question?

In this case, draw your thick profile without machining them, and it will be bendable.

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Bart, with the thick profile, as I designed it, it doesn't work either.

What would you do, a bending with particular parameters? Or still in sheet metal?


Well finally I think I'll do a simple swipe following the closed profile and I'll have my shape. The only problem is that I won't have developed it.

If you need to unfold it later, you have to go through the sheet metal module

Well finally I think I'll do a simple swipe following the closed profile and I'll have my shape. The only problem is that I won't have developed it in the MEP.


with an angle like that it's more machining than bending

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Machining parts like that you can close down. It is a profile drawn to length, and then it is matrixed according to the destination of the piece.

After indeed the appearance seems lively but well SW can't do simple bending like inventor so we do what we can...
