How do you draw a material removal identical to a tube laser?


I need your help, I don't know how to carry out a material removal, in Solidworks, on a tube so that it is identical to the laser cutting.

Image 1: File exported from the laser cutting software.

Image 2: Material removal in Solidworks

Image 3: Result of the function in Solidworks

Thank you in advance for your help.

Kind regards

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Hello, you have to tick the box "Normal material removal"




On the other hand, your tube must be made of sheet metal for it to work



I think you have to do 3 functions:

Two extrusion material removals for the two circular parts (front and rear).

Then a removal of material by scanning driven by a 3D sketch (to be drawn on the tube) for the sides.



3D Sketch:




Have you tried the "curve project" function to make a curve of your shape to be extruded on the outside of the tube, then use the "split" function to cut the tube with this curve, and finally "remove  body".


I have the impression that your laser cut is made via the inside of the tube with bossing

So create your inner tube sketch with boss (tube thickness)

A projected sketch should do it

or Boolean operation elevation of matter

@+ ;-))


Thank you for your answers,

Bart, I converted my tube to sheet metal and then ticked the "Normal material removal" option but this manip gives me an amazing result .

See images


To follow the idea of @Bart, try in your sketch not to leave the arc Ø42.4, but to cut wider in the upper part. It can come from there!

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Benoit.LF, same result as with the previous sketch.


Just a silly question: is it the same function (or sketch) applied in the 2 softwares?

i.e. do you do a tube/tube removal like what you drew on SW?

Because if you take your laser head fixed, your tube rotates on itself to be cut, you don't get the shape of SW, but a propeller. Well I may be wrong...


edit: so it comes back to the first answer of PL. do it in 3 functions.


You can't see well in your pictures, but I have the impression that you have converted to sheet metal, but it is not a sheet metal part in the sense that it cannot unfold: your basic shape before material removal remains a tube, and not a rolled sheet.

Watch this example (SW13)


Hi Dao2

Here is your piece


see attached file under SW 2012

@+ ;-))


Wow! =)


Laborious work for so little.... Is it really necessary?


I got the same results as the others....




yes @ Bart

laborious work for if you can as you say

but at the big diff it's not done in sheet metal

and the cutting angles are respected as in image 1

Now is it necessary I'm like you

which of + is it should have a solder

and like anyone who knows how to make a weld

It is generally necessary to respect a clearance = to the thickness of  the part for a weld with good penetration

@+ ;-))


You summed up the bottom of my thoughts well =)




Thank you all for your answers,

If I draw my part in sheet metal, how do I do it when my tube is bent?

GT22, I can't open your room!!

Thank you

When a part is laser cut, the head remains fixed and the tube rotates, so the laser is always normal to the cut surface. This is what I would like to reproduce on solidworks, to be able to send the file to the laser. Today when I send it it it cuts following the outer edge of my drawing so the cut piece does not correspond at all to the desired one.

Thank you


I work in 3D laser cutting so my laser is able to follow the external curve by tilting its head: up to 45°, you can't do everything anyway:)

To help you, you should keep the inside of the tube as a reference in sheet metal construction

and perform normal material removal.

See attached file made on Solidworks 2015.

I created a model of the sheet metal tube with a flat face Lg 0.05mm (which my cutting software eliminates because it is too small) Then I create the normal material removal on the surface.


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What version of SW are you on?

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I'm on Solidworks 2014

How do I open the files attached to your answers?

Thank you