Dimensioning in detail view

Hello everyone,
I have a difference in rating between for example one from the front and in a detail
Standard view rated 30.
In detail view 30.05 where does it show me an angle??
I checked my part everything is correct
if I choose the Horizontal or vertical dimension there, I get the real dimensions
I'm attaching a screenshot to better understand

Have a good end of the day


Possible to rephrase please?


This difference must be due to:

Selection of two edges in one view (Standard View) = 30mm with necessarily horizontal dimension
Selection of two points in the detail view = 30.05 mm with oblique dimension...

When you say your part is " correct ", what is the actual distance between your 30mm and 30.05mm?

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Bjr and thank you
In my solid room the distance is 30mm
The height of the room is 70mm.
I checked that all my lines are perpendicular in my sketch.
in the detail view quoted at 69.97?
The dimension selections were made by lines in the detail view
never had this problem before.
I specify that an update was made a while ago
Looking forward to reading you

Is the phenomenon repeated by unchecking "Quick Quotation"?

(This option sometimes has the annoying habit of aligning the dimensions to edges:)

An update of ??? Towards??? And when???

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can you see if you are checked "projected "


Update, I am looking for the information.
I try your recommendation

@Maclane ==>quick quotation unhooked, tjs the same problem

@OBI_WAN ==>type of dimensions on projected, tjs the same problem

Thank you all,
Good evening

… If we zoom in on the attachment lines of the vertical dimensions, we see that they are not hung in the same place... (Or not hung at all perhaps?).
Would it be possible to provide us with this part and its drawing (specifying the Solidworks version)?


That's why I prefer to use 3D dimensions as much as possible. This avoids putting the wrong hooks in the wrong place and ending up with this kind of aberrations.

Otherwise, it looks a lot like a dimension placed on a point (and not a line). The point having surely moved in height, the dimension is oblique and not horizontal, hence this difference of 0.05mm


Totally agree @coin37coin

I even wonder if the problem of @Frederic_Ouvrard is simply not wobbly or forced odds? (The oblique dimension should not have the same value as the vertical dimension...)


Here is the room and the plan
Thank you for your help

I don't have forced or wobbly ribs.
Indeed I can see by zooming in on my drawing view that the hook is offset from the selected line


Mtg Pillar Op10 Robodrill.SLDDRW (2.0 MB)
Mtg Pillar Op10 Robodrill.SLDPRT (864.8 KB)


For oblique dimensions, it only concerns 3D/iso views and not 2D.
After that, in theory, we are supposed to define the dimensions used in the MEP directly in the 3D modeling, but not sure that many people will do it. (and valid only for one part and not assembly)

I just did a new detail view on my drawing.
(Still the same room, but the other end of my room)
There are no problems with quotation in the detail view.!!.
Have a good day everyone

Version 2024 sp 0.1 ... SP0.1 !! It's already shooting yourself in the foot! Or play Russian roulette with a full barrel!
we should start by installing a more reliable version of Solidworks (although below SP4, I don't consider the versions to be Reliable...)
That said, you should be able to convert your files to an earlier version (Solidworks 2022 if you want me to inspect your Layout)...


And if you redo a detail view from scratch of the area of your component that is causing problems, are the errors still present?

I didn't have the choice of the version. And I don't have the skills to do it and judge which version is the most appropriate.
It seems to me that a salesman came to define the need for our company and the choice was made with the management and surely on the side of the wallet too.
To come back to my little problem
I cleared my detail view and created a new one.
There are no worries.
No dimensions that are displayed obliquely or with incorrect values.

Thank you all for your help and sorry if I don't express correctly, in my messages, the hazard(s) I encounter.
Happy holidays


Yes I deleted and redid 2 detail views.
one in the same area of the drawing and one in another location.
No problems with scoring.
There you go
I wouldn't say that the problem is solved.
But we can close the subject I think

To close the subject, you have to choose an answer as the " best answer ":

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