Slope creation on cylindrical part


I tried to make an inclined plane on a cylindrical piece, but after several attempts I did not succeed. Does anyone have the procedure to follow?

To make this clearer, I put a photo of the original part, a shot of the solidworks part on which I specify where I want to put this inclination and the SLDPRT file of the part if that can help you.

Thank you in advance, have a good day to all


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I would say, in sheet metal, bend on edge with tear-type notching.


Hello Vbruno,
Here is your play. SW2022 SP4.
Kind regards.


Hello A.R

Thank you for this quick answer, however I can't open the room, I have SW 2021 is that why maybe?

See you soon

Thank you sylk,

I'll try to look at that first

Yes, it's good for that reason.
I'm in 2020 so I can't open your 2021 room and you can't open the 2022 of @A.R who can open your 2021.
The joys of SW (non)compatibility :neutral_face:

Ha damn !! well a STEP then?
I keep. But alas, you will only be able to see your play...

Here is a little tutorial for fun!! It's my first one just to start training, the others will be better...

Otherwise you transform into a sheet metal part and you add your fold as you wish...
Good luck @+.

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However, it is not so obvious that a single fold is enough, because the "slope" is also bent inwards. :thinking:
It all depends on the compliance sought.


Thank you for your feedback, I put a picture seen from above so you can see me. How do I go about creating my sheet metal part? Excuse me, but I'm not a pro.


Well, you'll just have to add a repetition of your crease...

If the goal is to simply make a 3D model for visualization, and not for machining, but you want a faithful reproduction, then maybe staying in volume will be easier to recreate this shape (the slope).

In this case, I would make a body of the slope only, on which I would apply a circular repetition with fusion to the main body (your cylindrical piece posted at the start).

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I have to reproduce this part in 3D. I don't know how to create a body is it a function?

Nothing could be simpler: a body is a sketch rendered into volume with functions such as extrusion.
2 bodies that touch each other can be merged to become one. Or not be merged so that they remain 2 independent bodies.

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Hello again Bruno,

Well you already have your file that you sent. That you transform it into sheet metal to add your fold and then go through a repetition of your fold.

In the end, if you have your outline of your part, you just have to do an extrusion ... Then put it in sheet metal for your folds ...

Good luck.

Hello Sylk,
Exactly it's a solution, it's the one you posted at the beginning. But to answer Vbruno I was as simple and as quick as possible...

Hi @A.R
So while viewing your tutorial I hit a problem that had escaped me; A fold made in this way generates a straight fold. However, on the piece in question, the fold must follow the curvature of the circle. :thinking:

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Re-Hello Sylk,

Yes, you can play with the bending radius, or actually re-sketch the famous slope, and do a repetition...

You can try with a scan + 3D sketch as on the attached document. To see if it suits your needs


Thank you to all of you, but for me I can't do it, it doesn't give the rendering of the piece. Thank you anyway

Good evening
In the attached document, the model of the part made of sheet metal, SW 2021 version.
PART Bbis.SLDPRT (258.2 KB)