Visualization Cube

Hello everybody!

Here is a request for the VISUALIZATION CUBE...

I have assemblies of various shapes and sizes.

Attached is a document to understand the problem:

The preview of the piece:

The room with the top plan:

I need to generate a visualization cube parallel to a room.
So far no worries with the " Custom Plan" option:

Solidworks does generate a visualization cube parallel to the selected plane but it is not parallel to the top plane (normal for the standard SW function which optimizes):

So I would like to know if there is another method (macro etc ...) in order to be able to generate a visualization cube that is driven by 2 selected planes?

That is to say, always parallel to the top plane and be able to select another parallelism plane according to the orientation of the assembly?

Thanks in advance :+1:

If I'm not mistaken, a single reference plane is enough to generate a visualization cube since the other faces are automatically parallel or perpendicular to the selected one, adding an additional plane is counterproductive.

Feel free to get me back on track if I'm wrong. I rarely use this feature.


Hello @romain_becdelievre ,

The function should allow me to generate dimensions of the floor space of my finished product (assembly composed of sub-assemblies).

So normal to the top plane (floor) and parallel to one of the vertical planes of my assembly to give an orientation defined by one of our sub-assemblies common to all of our finished products.

And the visualization cube would allow me to retrieve these variables (so that I can map them in my PDM maps):


It seems to me that the visualization cube works in the following way: once the reference plane is selected, it orients itself to be as close as possible to the volumes.
This allows you to have the minimum volume of the whole, this is what we observe on your last screenshot and this is its function...

Apart from the development of a macro, if it doesn't already exist, it seems impossible to me with the visualization cube...

Good luck.


And by changing the X,Y,Z coordinate system?

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A trick perhaps, if once generated the cube doesn't change anymore (?) would be to position a volume (or extrude a temporary extension on the body) that would delimit the top right corner on your last image (so at most aligned to the right with the right edge of the blue region, and stack aligned at the top with the top tip of the white region, so as to create a temporary framework that this addition will force.
It works with any corner by the way.

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A little prevention message by the way:

" Drink or build, you have to choose!"  :crazy_face:



Hello @a.eriaud
I have this macro that works well by orienting itself according to XYZ:

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Dim swPart As SldWorks.PartDoc
    Set swPart = swApp.ActiveDoc
    If Not swPart Is Nothing Then
        Dim vBBox As Variant
        vBBox = GetPreciseBoundingBox(swPart)
        DrawBox swPart, CDbl(vBBox(0)), CDbl(vBBox(1)), CDbl(vBBox(2)), CDbl(vBBox(3)), CDbl(vBBox(4)), CDbl(vBBox(5))
        Debug.Print "Width: " & CDbl(vBBox(3)) - CDbl(vBBox(0))
        Debug.Print "Length: " & CDbl(vBBox(5)) - CDbl(vBBox(2))
        Debug.Print "Height: " & CDbl(vBBox(4)) - CDbl(vBBox(1))
        MsgBox "Please open part"
    End If
End Sub

Function GetPreciseBoundingBox(part As SldWorks.PartDoc) As Variant
    Dim dBox(5) As Double
    Dim vBodies As Variant
    vBodies = part.GetBodies2(swBodyType_e.swSolidBody, True)
    Dim minX As Double
    Dim minY As Double
    Dim minZ As Double
    Dim maxX As Double
    Dim maxY As Double
    Dim maxZ As Double
    If Not IsEmpty(vBodies) Then
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To UBound(vBodies)
            Dim swBody As SldWorks.Body2
            Set swBody = vBodies(i)
            Dim x As Double
            Dim y As Double
            Dim z As Double
            swBody.GetExtremePoint 1, 0, 0, x, y, z
            If i = 0 Or x > maxX Then
                maxX = x
            End If
            swBody.GetExtremePoint -1, 0, 0, x, y, z
            If i = 0 Or x < minX Then
                minX = x
            End If
            swBody.GetExtremePoint 0, 1, 0, x, y, z
            If i = 0 Or y > maxY Then
                maxY = y
            End If
            swBody.GetExtremePoint 0, -1, 0, x, y, z
            If i = 0 Or y < minY Then
                minY = y
            End If
            swBody.GetExtremePoint 0, 0, 1, x, y, z
            If i = 0 Or z > maxZ Then
                maxZ = z
            End If
            swBody.GetExtremePoint 0, 0, -1, x, y, z
            If i = 0 Or z < minZ Then
                minZ = z
            End If
    End If
    dBox(0) = minX: dBox(1) = minY: dBox(2) = minZ
    dBox(3) = maxX: dBox(4) = maxY: dBox(5) = maxZ
    GetPreciseBoundingBox = dBox
End Function

Sub DrawBox(model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, minX As Double, minY As Double, minZ As Double, maxX As Double, maxY As Double, maxZ As Double)

    model.ClearSelection2 True
    model.SketchManager.Insert3DSketch True
    model.SketchManager.AddToDB = True
    model.SketchManager.CreateLine maxX, minY, minZ, maxX, minY, maxZ
    model.SketchManager.CreateLine maxX, minY, maxZ, minX, minY, maxZ
    model.SketchManager.CreateLine minX, minY, maxZ, minX, minY, minZ
    model.SketchManager.CreateLine minX, minY, minZ, maxX, minY, minZ

    model.SketchManager.CreateLine maxX, maxY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ
    model.SketchManager.CreateLine maxX, maxY, maxZ, minX, maxY, maxZ
    model.SketchManager.CreateLine minX, maxY, maxZ, minX, maxY, minZ
    model.SketchManager.CreateLine minX, maxY, minZ, maxX, maxY, minZ
    model.SketchManager.CreateLine minX, minY, minZ, minX, maxY, minZ
    model.SketchManager.CreateLine minX, minY, maxZ, minX, maxY, maxZ
    model.SketchManager.CreateLine maxX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, minZ
    model.SketchManager.CreateLine maxX, minY, maxZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ
    model.SketchManager.AddToDB = False
    model.SketchManager.Insert3DSketch True
End Sub

My assemblies are always parallel to the top planes, so normal to Y, but not necessarily parallel to X (or Z).
I don't know if VBA macro functions would allow by selecting in advance the face that would be the orientation reference to generate a well-oriented 3D sketch...
If anyone has an idea of how to do this in macro, I'm interested :smirk:


Indeed, there may be something to do with this macro...
But I don't know enough about it to get started...

I think you would have to dig into the " GetExtremePoint " function to find the extreme point while remaining parallel to a plane.

It's just an idea...

I think that on this forum there are macro pros, some have already helped me a lot...

Have a good weekend in advance.


Hello @MLG ,
If we retain the idea of an " envelope cube" (in fact a rectangular parallelepiped), the three generating planes are perpendicular. The first being chosen, it is then sufficient to give a direction in this plane for the trihedron to be completely constrained.
Starting from the Codestack macro proposed by @MLG and intended for a part, we think that we just have to adapt it to an assembly by sweeping the parts of the construction tree and forcing the projection directions.
Simple in appearance, but the few moments envisaged turn into hours. Fortunately, the weather was gloomy...
The result is available in the attached macro. Directions for use:

  • An assembly must be opened in SolidWorks.
  • A plane and direction (straight edge or sketch segment) are selected in this order in the graphics area.
  • The macro is executed.


  • The envelope cube is displayed as a 3D sketch in the assembly.
  • the edges of the cube are specified in a UserForm.

Weakness compared to the SolidWorks " visualization cube" is that the envelope cube is frozen on the geometry at the time of its creation. A further evolution of the forms of the assembly will not be taken into account.

As always, macro without safeguards, without guarantee of results, to be tested especially on large assemblies.
Kind regards.
Modified macro, to be downloaded below...


Hello @m.blt

I've gone through the code and there's work to be done!! WELL DONE :clap:

On the other hand, I tested on one of my assemblies, but nothing happens.
No error message, even if I force it by launching the macro on a coin.
Which, from what I could see in the code, should generate a warning window for me.

Any idea what to do?

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When launching the main sub from the editor via F8, it shows me a missing project or library error:

And looking at the error I understand better missing library (SW2023)
Maybe you have the same problem. Which version of SW do you have?

@m.blt I wanted to take a look out of curiosity and interest since in general your macros captivate me! :crazy_face:

Edit: by unchecking what is missing and checking the 3 libraries version 2020 it works!
Once again I am amazed by this code:


The macro does not work on a part because it travels through the build tree of an assembly. Already there, you should have this message:

Personally, I tested the macro on several assemblies, the " heaviest " one having 278 parts, without noticing any anomaly. If you run the macro without selecting any objects, you should at least see the UserForm card.

I confirm @sbadenis's suspicion: the malfunction may be due to the absence of certain references to VBA objects. Here are the ones I use with the 2023 version of SolidWorks:
Also check that the sketch display is activated in the assembly, you never know...

Another clue: the macro was written with SW 2023. Maybe there's a non-existent feature if you're using an older version. Even though you should see an error message... Judging by the illustration of his message, @sbadenis made it work with a 2020 version
Does the assembly on which you tested the macro have a peculiarity that prevents it from working properly? You should share one of your assemblies and specify which version of SW you are using.


When I see this work, I tell myself that it was more than time for me to take the tangent that is parallel to the plane. Besides, a good deal is always appreciated.

C dlt


Hello @m.blt & @sbadenis,

I applied the changes to the references by checking the 2022 for my version:

And the macro worked well, it's TOP @m.blt :+1: :

I just changed the ptLoc of the length and depth of the cube which for me, were inverted (ptLoc(4) and (1)), as well as the precision so as not to have a decimal:

        UserForm1.Label3.Caption = "Longueur du cube : " & Format(longueur(ptLoc(0), ptLoc(4)), "#####0")
        UserForm1.Label4.Caption = "Largeur du cube : " & Format(longueur(ptLoc(0), ptLoc(2)), "#####0")
        UserForm1.Label5.Caption = "Profondeur du cube : " & Format(longueur(ptLoc(0), ptLoc(1)), "#####0")


On the other hand I would like to retrieve these values and associate them with variables in all the configs but I don't know where and how (sub, function ...) I have to insert this:

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim tConfig() As String
    Dim swErrors As Long
    Dim swWarnings As Long
    'récupère le document actif dans SW
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    If Not swModel Is Nothing Then
    'Boucle sur toutes les configurations
    tConfig = swModel.GetConfigurationNames
    For i = 0 To UBound(tConfig)
    'ajoute un propriété personnalisée "DIM-Lo"
    'Chr(34) permet d'ajouter le caractère "
    bRet = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo2(tConfig(i), "DIM-Lo")
    bRet = swModel.AddCustomInfo3(tConfig(i), "DIM-Lo", swCustomInfoText, Chr(34) & Format(longueur(ptLoc(0), ptLoc(4)), "#####0") & Chr(34))
    'ajoute un propriété personnalisée "DIM-La"
    'Chr(34) permet d'ajouter le caractère "
    bRet = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo2(tConfig(i), "DIM-La")
    bRet = swModel.AddCustomInfo3(tConfig(i), "DIM-La", swCustomInfoText, Chr(34) & Format(longueur(ptLoc(0), ptLoc(2)), "#####0") & Chr(34))
    'ajoute un propriété personnalisée "DIM-Ha"
    'Chr(34) permet d'ajouter le caractère "
    bRet = swModel.DeleteCustomInfo2(tConfig(i), "DIM-Ha")
    bRet = swModel.AddCustomInfo3(tConfig(i), "DIM-Ha", swCustomInfoText, Chr(34) & Format(longueur(ptLoc(0), ptLoc(1)), "#####0") & Chr(34))
    Next i

Do you have a lead for me?

Hello @m.blt Bravo and thank you for your macro. Just a small suggestion; Specify the xyz axes of the dimensions indicated, in parentheses for example, because width length depth is relative to say the least.

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Hi all
One last (?) answer...

  • The three dimensions of the envelope cube are written as properties in all the configs of the assembly;
  • To fulfill @Sylk's :wink:wish, I added a local coordinate system at the origin of the cube, whose axes are aligned with the edges. In order to identify the X, Y and Z directions.
    It seems to me that for @MLG, it is in order of height (X), length (Y) and depth (Z).
    Order can be easily changed on lines 322 to 334.

A small image to locate the vertices of the cube.
Kind regards.
CubeVisuAssembly.swp (223 KB)


Thanks again @m.blt
It works very well :ok_hand:

I have a difference in the precision of the results between the dialog box and the variables in the properties (F8):

The precision is in units (no decimal places) in the dialog box

The accuracy is 6 decimal places

However, I applied the same FORMAT in the code between what is displayed in the dialog box and in the properties (F8):

        Dim valLONG         As Variant
        Dim valLARG         As Variant
        Dim valHAUT         As Variant

    Set ptLoc(0) = creationPt(min(0), min(1), min(2))
    Set ptLoc(1) = creationPt(max(0), min(1), min(2))
    Set ptLoc(2) = creationPt(min(0), max(1), min(2))
    Set ptLoc(3) = creationPt(max(0), max(1), min(2))
    Set ptLoc(4) = creationPt(min(0), min(1), max(2))
    Set ptLoc(5) = creationPt(max(0), min(1), max(2))
    Set ptLoc(6) = creationPt(min(0), max(1), max(2))
    Set ptLoc(7) = creationPt(max(0), max(1), max(2))

    For iPt = 0 To 7
        Set ptLoc(iPt) = ptLoc(iPt).MultiplyTransform(RgToCube)
    Next iPt
    TraceBox ptLoc
    lgAreteCube(0) = CalculLongueur(ptLoc(0), ptLoc(1))
    lgAreteCube(1) = CalculLongueur(ptLoc(0), ptLoc(2))
    lgAreteCube(2) = CalculLongueur(ptLoc(0), ptLoc(4))
    UserForm1.Label3.Caption = "DIM-Lo : " & Format((lgAreteCube(2) / 10), "#####0")
    UserForm1.Label4.Caption = "DIM-La : " & Format((lgAreteCube(0) / 10), "#####0")
    UserForm1.Label5.Caption = "DIM-Ha : " & Format((lgAreteCube(1) / 10), "#####0")
    UserForm1.CommandButton3.Enabled = True
    valLONG = (Format((lgAreteCube(2) / 10), "#####0"))
    valLARG = (Format((lgAreteCube(0) / 10), "#####0"))
    valHAUT = (Format((lgAreteCube(1) / 10), "#####0"))

    swConfNames = swModel.GetConfigurationNames             ' Liste des noms de configurations
    For iPt = LBound(swConfNames) To UBound(swConfNames)    ' Boucle sur les configs
        Set swCstPropMgr = swModel.Extension.CustomPropertyManager(swConfNames(iPt))
        swCstPropMgr.Add3 "DIM-Lo", swCustomInfoDouble, valLONG, swCustomPropertyReplaceValue
        swCstPropMgr.Add3 "DIM-La", swCustomInfoDouble, valLARG, swCustomPropertyReplaceValue
        swCstPropMgr.Add3 "DIM-Ha", swCustomInfoDouble, valHAUT, swCustomPropertyReplaceValue
    Next iPt

End Sub

And I tested by changing the decimals in my SW unit settings, but it doesn't change anything.

Do you have any idea where the problem comes from?

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Since you don't want decimals, the easiest way is to convert the variable lgAreteCube from type Double to Integer in the property generation statement.
Replacing the line:

swCstPropMgr.Add3 "CubEnvLongueurY", swCustomInfoNumber, CInt(lgAreteCube(1)), swCustomPropertyReplaceValue

by it:

swCstPropMgr.Add3 "CubEnvLongueurY", swCustomInfoNumber, CInt(lgAreteCube(1)), swCustomPropertyReplaceValue

To be adapted according to your ratings.
If you are looking for a more detailed format, you will have to use strings...


Thanks again @m.blt

It works very well.
I've been looking since yesterday on Codestack if there is a way to name the 3D sketch when it is made, or to retrieve the name of the last sketch created in the tree.
But I couldn't find anything about it.
I would need this to add the deletion of the 3D sketch at the end of the macro to clean up our assemblies once the variables are retrieved.

When I look at this code generated in Solidworks with a first 2D sketch delete and then a 3D sketch delete, there is no synthaxis difference except for the function name. Whether it's 2D or 3D, it's " SKETCH " that appears:

boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID2("Esquisse3D1", "SKETCH", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID2("Esquisse1", "SKETCH", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)

Do you know how to proceed?
Thanks in advance

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