JPG Registration



I'm relaunching a problem already reported here:

At the time I didn't have a problem, today it's impossible for me to save in JPG?????

I'm in SW 2013 SP4.0.


Before attempting a complete reinstall that had solved the question in the previous post, I will understand why suddenly I can no longer generate JPG.


Thank you in advance for your answers



Could you give us more info?

The JPEG is not generated? Is there an error message? The JPEG extension is not present in the menu?


If it's exactly like the other problem I reiterate what I said, it's possible that the problem comes from a damaged registry key, so we'd have to see if with the default options the problem is still present.

So either use another Windows profile or reset the solidworks registry key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\sofware

The jpg is not generated regardless of the options chosen

test with the blank profile and keep me informed ;o)

impossible without  reinstalling  and/or cleaning the database...

no answer  from the  presta support  (no one knows....)

The first install had  been deployed   on a  network   and  the reinstallation  locally...


Good luck



If the problem persists and before uninstalling/reinstalling everything, try the 'Screenshot' feature offered by SW.


Keep us informed above all. 




I add  that before the reinstallation  they  tried  all the formats  offered save as ...

and obviously  others  were bugging... without creating a file.


@fthomas: I renamed the solidworks key in the regedit but still no jpg

@Cédric: I absolutely have to use save in jpg because I will then use this in a macro

@siodub27: Have you done a scouting or reinstallation or a deletion and installation?



@siodub27: for me there is only the jpg that does not work

unfortunately the  worst case "deletion and  resettlement... "

FYI , those  who don't  encounter  the problem  are  they  on  Seven  in  64 bits?

@coyote So, personally, I'll do a screenshot and an import into Paint... (er, yes, I know, but I'm out of ideas about your problem).


to add a little more spice, I have the same problem in SW 2014 SP0.



@coyote And no kidding, can you record in Jpeg on other software (paint or others)?

For me who is in SW2012 SP5 it works!!


@Yves: yes it works on other Paint or Image Capture software from Windows

One more small layer, this works in photoview..... Tomorrow I uninstall and then reinstall and I'll keep you posted.




Basically, it comes from SW... I'm FOR Yves' idea, a good old Impri shot. Screen and presto, on Paint and that's it:)


More seriously, come back and tell us if a reinstall has fixed the bp which is obviously quite recurrent...

Good evening

A little info by the way I just encountered problems on my 2013 SP4 following the SP5 upgrade.

Loss of registry or too recent:

forced to uninstall my 2013, my 2014 SP0 to then reinstall everything....


Wouldn't there be a similar conflict for your recording?

Yesterday everything was perfect and today I was planting cabbage.... after having worked on 2014 and then relaunching 2013.


Maybe there is no link between our stories but if 2014 does naughty things that 2013 can't stand this explains it.


@SEPM. Gerald SW 2013 : I think this afternoon I'll uninstall my SW2013 SP4 and my SW2014 SP0 and I will reinstall SW 2014 SP0 and then SW 2013 SP5.0 or the other way around?



In the case of a reinstallation, better follow the order of the versions and above all separate the two installation folders.

For the JPG registration problem it is not necessarily necessary in my opinion to uninstall and reinstall everything, after some search in my memory, I had already corrected this problem once by disabling my antivirus and then repairing the solidworks installation.