Insert assembly



When I insert a subassembly as the first component in an assembly, the subassembly appears correctly before the insertion is validated and is positioned in bulk as soon as I validate.


Do you have any idea where this could come from? An option checked somewhere?



Otherwise for the quick solution: I release the subassembly, I constrain the origins for positioning, and then I refix the subassembly.

But in the long run it becomes painful...


I attach the image after validation (I can't add 2 images to the question). I'll add what I should get in the next post.


Does the subassembly in question have different external references or configurations?

Is it possible to attach a screen print from the design tree?



Here is the second image.



In fact, you just have to click on the origin in the 3D view for it to position itself correctly, or to select it and not click in the 3D view, but to validate in the property manager (the green checkmark at the top left).

To Jose: no different conf. This sub-assembly contains a few parts.

To Lucas: I don't validate in the 3D precisely, otherwise it is positioned at the clicked place. But there in the preview before validating in the property it's good, but then it turns the pieces over and shifts.

I just tested by clicking on the origin, I have the same thing.


This only does this to me with the insertion of an assembly first. If it's a part, no pb. If the assembly is inserted second, no pb.



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Okay, I misunderstood the question.

I thought the assembly "burst" when inserted.

If the problem is that he is not fixed on the origin at the insertion, then Lucas has said it all.


Good luck

It is fixed on an origin, maybe an origin of a part present in the assembly but at least on an origin right?

The problem is with all the assemblies?

For each new assembly?

If so, it looks like a bug!

a problem that didn't happen to me?

In your sub-assembly your parts are fixed in relation to what as a constraint ref

Do you record your sub-assembly?

Check all your constraints of your sub-assembly

In your assembly where you insert your sub-assembly, do you have the basic part to fix?

a copy of the file would be a + to find a walkthrough

what's your SW version

@+ ;-)



When inserting the first component, when the "insert component" window is still open, you have to click directly on the green check mark to validate. In this case, the component aligns its origin with the origin of the assembly.


If when the "insert component" window is still open, you click in the graphics window (the 3D) the component sets its origin where you clicked, i.e. almost anywhere.


So try this: "insert a component", select the desired component and directly validate.


Erratum: already proposed, thank you josé.

@benoit: That's exactly what Lucas proposed at the beginning and it doesn't work.

But indeed, it looks like a bug...

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Which version of SolidWorks are you on?




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Is the origin of the sub-assembly in the center of the bent sheet?


yes like @ coyote

question already asked which version of SolidWorks

or post your files if not confidential

maybe you create your own piece via your assembly on the diff origins

or modify your origins without having fixed and constrained via these origins

@+ ;-)



In fact what doesn't work is that it doesn't position the subassembly from its origin mark to the assembly home marker, right?

But are you sure that the coordinate system you want to constrain is the original coordinate system of the sub-assembly?

Maybe the mark on your sheet metal is not originally in the sub-assembly.


I hope that what I write is clear because even I have a hard time rereading myself;););)



yes if @ coyote it's clear to me but maybe not to him ;-D

it took these landmarks via its origins but if the part is free the origins SolidWorks doesn't care


@+ ;-) 


PS: post your file it will be + clear and you will have a concrete rest

If we look at the first image in the attached file, the origin part seems to be in the center of the assembly.


On the other hand, it is well offset from the original assembly (everything is rated but that's not the problem).


It seems that SW takes another point as the origin piece than the center... and to find out which one, there is no other solution than (as Gt22 says), at least communicate the sub-assembly.


Afterwards, if it's not possible, I think it will be complicated to go further on the question :/


EDIT: Is it possible to send us at least one screenshot of the SUB-ASSEMBLY ONLY by clicking on "Origin" in the tree? (as on the attached file).



How did you make your sheet metal piece?

If you started from a unfolded state and then you made your folds, maybe the reference face is not the one you want.


Or is it a piece of symmetry? In this case the origin corresponds to the original part?

The problem is present only with this assembly or with any one?



sorry I had to go work on something else in the meantime.


I will try to answer the questions:


- I validate directly in the Property box, avoiding going to the 3D window: PB

- Parts and sub-assemblies are created directly on the origin

- I attach an ex. it will be easier to visualize all the origins. (the weird holes in the sheet metal was just for a preview)

- I think this happens mostly with sheet metal parts.

- this has been happening now for a few years and every time (but I have to check if it happens with volume parts too). But just when there's an assembly inserted first into another assembly.

- SW12 SP5

- the positioning does not correspond to any origin of the parts present.


I hope I have answered just about everything.


Well otherwise I'll make a hotline call.
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