Stringer tube 80/140 stairs 2/4 turning

To orient the tube:
Make one group per segment, then for each group in alignment fall the segment indicated in my capture:

And check align the vertical axis:

And the tubes are well oriented. (vertical axis tube // to reference sketch)
On the other hand, for the adjustments between tubes (rectangular), it's a different story:

2b mécano. SLDPRT (193,0 Am)

Instead of making a function per tube you make a group per tube:

To do this, click on a new group, in the Mechanically welded element function:
I can't attach my part since the 2023 version.
But coming from a sw2020 version I know it worked the same way.

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By extending the lines-groups I obtain the crossing of the tubes to cut them
cf attached file
thank you again
2b mechanic +. SLDPRT (190.2 KB)

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If you put a plate between the 2 you can then adjust your tubes:

And from the easiest to place your turntable and readjust if necessary.

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yes, thank you

Since you want to assemble the different stringer sections with turntables, I advise you to keep your sketch as a basis for drawing each section individually. Then assemble them.
Easy to edit. If you change your sketch, all the sections will change.
That is how I would proceed.

In this type of case I systematically go through a small dish between each change of orientation, much easier to assemble.

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I agree with @Le_Bidule for a section-by-section definition, which allows the construction of the geometric entities necessary for construction.
As I did not have SW 2020, I wrote a document explaining the approach I used...
See attached pdf file.

Limon2bMecano.pdf (726.3 KB)

I may say something stupid but I take the risk; Couldn't the " structure " function help, especially for joins?

I am looking for the union/subtraction/intersection functions of solids in SW 2020,
Can you tell me please?

Regarde la fonction combiner @Alfoncpasmamob :

Of course!!!
Thank you
Attached to the staircase, don't look at the creation tree, too complicated because I think I did it wrong, of an imported 3D DXF ...
4b. SLDPRT (3.0 MB)

Also, how do you extract each tube for a drawing?
Thank you

As you're in real 3D, it's not going to be easy to put them in a drawing.

Watch the videos posted here:
I'm thinking for you of this solution that seems to me the most suitable:

Otherwise, the ' body selection' function in the properties of the drawing view is for you.
(incredibly efficient/practical compared to the management of display states which is totally buggy)

For your drawings I propose the " Relative Views "...

Nowadays I think that this is most often more than enough; The drawings are mainly informative documents for boilermakers/machinists equipped with machine tools (multi-axis laser cutting).


It seems indeed the simplest for all the views of the tubes that are drawn in real 3D.
Combined with body selection, MEP doesn't have to be that complicated to do

As the cuts will be made in part with a grinder, make sure that the drawings include all the indications for the tracing. Also add a flow rating

Thank you

plasma cutting for tread supports and plate sets, for tubes, band saw