Solidworks export step error message

Hello to you.

I'm having a problem I'm stuck on, I have solidworks 2021 SP3.

I have an export problem on 80% of my files when I export in several formats; I discovered it during a WWTP export.

I get a message "Solidworks cannot open the error entry file for writing. Make sure that the disk is not protected against writing" (already I don't see which folder will be read-only)

The file is created well but my subcontractor (with solidworks 2020) has an empty file.

The ones he manages to import didn't get the message when the step was created.

I don't know where to look, problem in the default file or in the config of the STEP .... More ideas.

Thank you in advance.

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Hello jeromegonthier ,

I have the SW2020 SP4 version.

For my part, I proceed as follows:

When I want a WWTP  of a part or an assembly, I save it as a part for an assembly and  for a part I save as a WWTP either as a solid or surface, for my part I prefer as a volume.

And until  now, I've never had this type of message.

Thank you for keeping me informed, I would like to know more.

Good luck



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Thank you A.R for your feedback.

I work like you too.

I also chose the volume for the conversion into a step, the problem is still present.

I have a number of coins that I can't convert without having this message. And I don't know why, my recent pieces no longer have this message at the time of conversion. They look like files with corrupted parts but that I can't repair.

For my part, I can import them afterwards but not my subcontractor. I had to do the STEP with message and then switch this step to xt format (no more message) and it was good for him.

I wanted to fix these damaged files so as not to drag these problems during future designs and by reusing these folders.

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Hello jeromegonthier ,

After saving an assembly in parts, keeping what is necessary for you, then try to save in XT (parasolid), then open it and then save it in STEP (214).

That is precisely what I do.




I step parts to go to the laser at the subcontractor's site.

If I make an xt of one of these famous parts, I get an "invalid geometry" message even though it's a sheet metal part.

Another sheet metal part, identical in design, is not a problem for me.

Attached is the message and a part that poses a problem for the stepping.

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Hello jeromegonthier ,

Hello I can't open it because it's a future version, I'm in SW 2020 SP4.

Sorry, but so far I still haven't had this message.


Thank you anyway. A.R

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Hello jeromegonthier ,

There's nothing to worry about...




Just for information, knowing that I'm not a big user of the STEP format export: I tried the STEP AP203 format export, in volume, and I didn't have any problems with the recording.

Nor to re-reading for that matter. You can judge this with the attached WWTP.

I tend to think that the anomaly is related to the installation of SW on the @jeromegonthier station .
I don't know what this "error entry file" mentioned in the message represents, but that's where we have to dig.

Kind regards
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What surprises me is that you manage to reimport the step (generated with errors) but not your s/processor.

For the message, do you export the step to the same directory as the piece or to a temporary directory?
Do you work with PDM?

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@m.blt it reassures me that you can open it without error.

Only the mistake bothered me, my subcontractor apparently had an empty room.

I can't find anywhere in the options, the line that points to a file that no longer exists. In addition, it is done on a few files randomly. 


@stefbeno I export 99% of the time to another folder (desktop folder). 

I don't use pdm. 

When I arrived in this new job (2 months) I had tried to install the solidworks profile of my old job to save money thinking to save time but it had worked badly and I had put back the saved profile just before.

Maybe that's what created the bug. What bothers me is that it's not on all the parts. 

Hello @jeromegonthier 

I just opened your room in 2021 version, I looked at how the room was built.

From the point of view of classic sheet metal work, nothing to say, it's clean, on the other hand you put in the middle of the design a "remove face" without me really understanding what it's for, since if you remove it, it doesn't change anything in appearance to the part or to the flattening for the laser?

Could you enlighten me on the usefulness of "delete face" and by any chance wouldn't that be what would make the swarm (because a mixture between volume and surface ???)

I would also like an opinion from other experts ;-) just so you don't die of stupid heat  ;-)

Kind regards

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The problem with the desktop folder is, first of all, that there are at least 2 of them (one common to all users of the machine, one specific to the user).
And depending on which you choose, you have to have specific rights to write there.

I'd be you, I'd try to use a temporary directory (like c:\temp or better on another disk than C: if possible, Windows is ticklish and capricious about accessing C directories)



 @Zozo_mp remove it face removes 4 holes at the edge that I use on other projects.

@stefbeno same result when converting to disk D:


I tried to repair the software via the installation setup -> identical result


Hello jeromegonthier ,

I don't have any error messages with my SW2020 SP4 version.




Ditto, no mistake whatsoever by saving under or using a macro (which does basically the same thing).

If you are inclined to a configuration problem, you should go to the registry to delete the Solidworks configuration key in order to start again with a "blank" configuration.


I just looked on youtube how to use "delete face" very interesting.

It's the title 'delete face' that is curious since in fact it removes any type of delimited surface (Radius or any other object such as a portion of a square hole.  In fact it allows you to remove the faces of any function of the tree without disturbing it!

This is good because it does not change anything in the creation tree, especially if you want to remove something from time to time such as certain ventilation holes in a sheet metal without doing   so...... with linear repetition for example.


Thank you Jerome, I learned something very useful thanks to your know-how.

I hope you solve your problem

Kind regards


Hello @jeromegonthier 

Just an idea like that. Do you get the same error message when forcing Solidworks to run in administrator mode?

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  @Sylk Sorry for the delay in replying. The problem persists in administrator mode.

@Cyril.f  I just opened a ticket with Visiativ, indeed when I untap and reinstall, even if I turn the PC off and on between steps, solidworks remains set up as before. I expected to find it in a "factory" version.

@A.R  Thank you for watching.


Or I give up for this error message that arrives unexpectedly on some parts and it's my subcontractor who has problems on his version.

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The problem with uninstalling/reinstalling is that SW leaves as many as possible in the registry (badly done cleaning, it still smells like a well-coded thing). That's probably why it stays set up or you have an administrative image with a setting that goes down by default (which is what we do here in order to have all the workstations set up identically).

By the way, I'm thinking that if you delete the registry key, as soon as there is a rule (related to the administrative image) that systematically lowers the settings, it won't have the desired effect.