Nid d abeille


I'm looking for a honeycomb plate. I made a representative grid, but it's far from the truth. A series of arcs with repetition 

If you have one, see a picture to stick because it is an existing part and it is mainly for the space that it is necessary


Hi Gerald, why don't you do the same thing with hexagons to create your honeycomb?

Honeycombs are hexagons, aren't they?

@+ ;-))


Hello Joss

The existing one is rounded, as if we had cut strips of corrugated sheet metal and glued them together.

@ gt22 yes in bees it's hexagons, on a laser engraver it's rounded lol 


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If you have the existing part on hand: take a picture of it and you use this photo as a texture.

On the other hand, amha, it's better to avoid modeling it in hard, I don't dare to think about the resources it must eat.

Haaa ^^ agree, because in my business, when we talk about honeycomb filters, it's really hexagons.

@joss, in optics also for diffusers it's hexagonal, but there .... I would even say that it's the first time I've seen one like this. There are tubes in it and it is very thin 

@stefbeno for the resources it's okay it's just a 600/900 hopper assembly and my pc doesn't ram because I mostly used repetition 

Why not take in appearances the resumption of persage repetition?

@+ ;-))

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@gt22 only available in realview

But if your representation is far from the truth, how is the truth? (Is it elsewhere;) I know). Otherwise, just improve your sketch to have a closer rendering.

As an example 

Take for plastic appearance circular mesh

See for hole size in surface finish and play with the blue and magenta square on the piece

@+ ;-))

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Following research on the different honeycombs... the one on the machine and the worst one!

which would explain why it deforms according to its support points.

So I'm going to redraw the sketch as suggested by .pl


And this one?

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@aurelien you only see it in pictures? No sketch available? because that's it

I just did it in Inventor, so I can send you in STEP format, or put it next to you beforehand.

I made this sketch and then linear repetitions in several directions with symmetries


@aurelien, the cells have a diameter close to 6mm (too flexible to measure precisely) and the grid is 0.3mm thin

600/900mm total grid thickness 10 mm

If the part is laser cut, it may be best to draw one of the holes and then: Insert -> Repetition/symmetry -> Repeat in an area

Or repetition following a circular or linear pattern if we know the type of pattern used for the cutting

@froussel, it is not a piece to be cut, it is what serves as a support for the boards or plates that are cut or engraved

My PC has been calculating the repetitions for 10 minutes with a nice "Not responding".

I'll post the result as soon as it comes back to life.

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