Rendering on SolidWorks Composer

Hi everyone.


Some time ago I asked a question about Composer, and  with the help of the community (whom I thank once again!) I managed to solve my problem at the time.



On the continuity of my work, I was confronted with another problem for which I have not been able to find a solution. My goal is always to make bronze plates appear in shaded rendering with edges and to make the subassembly, where they are mounted, appear in silhouette. (See the result on my previous question)


I proceed this way: I set the general rendering to "Custom" Then I select my subset and put all the pieces in silhouette. Then I select my bronze plates and render it shaded with edges.


The problem I encounter is that some pieces are transparent, for I don't know what reason, including the one I have to highlight. I tried to change their display mode, play on the opacity, but nothing helps...


Does anyone have a solution for me ?


Thank you.

I attach a screen printout


Hello, is the graphics card up to date? Otherwise it's not a problem of silhouette at the most that should be applied on each component or each sub-assembly?


Are you sure that the opacity of this component is at full speed at 255?


.PL: Yes, my graphics card is up to date. I do not understand the rest of your answer. I tried to apply my rendering on the part and/or the subset from which it comes but the result remains the same.


Coyote: Yes everyone is at full throttle, I'm attaching a screenshot.


Thank you for your answers.


Oops sorry bad handling on the screen print.



A screen print of the properties of the subassembly which is supposed to be in silhouette (the one that "covers" the piece that should be highlighted).


Here comes Coyote


Try to play on the priority of this last piece still in the custom rendering section.

I tried but the result is not very convincing :-s


???? I really don't see, sorry...

See this link

Conclusion if I understood correctly, composing is not made for rendering

Better to make a copy of a part pass on photoview

See this tutorial

@+ ;-))

Thank you very much for your help Coyote :-\


Quick question, can the problem come from the 3D model of SolidWorks? This subset was drawn on SolidWorks, maybe the solution would be to look for that?

I don't see why, but maybe in SolidWorks it's transparent and keeps this property by default.

Let us know if this is the case.

@GT22, Photoview will not allow you to do what @Santino wants. He wants a technical rendering, not a photo rendering.

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Nothing on the SolidWorks side, the parts are perfectly visible in the same way as the others.


Thank you for your answer GT22, but as Coyote points out, I don't want a photo rendering, but simply a technical view that highlights bronze plates, in an assembly. Thus:


In SolidWorks are there surfaces or solids?

If you insert only these pieces into compose, do you manage to have the correct rendering?

Similarly on the file that is causing the problem and does the silouhette mode work well on the complete set?


yes I understood well 

but as it wasn't visual enough for your taste if I'm not mistaken via reading the question and the answers

I took the liberty of posting this answer

That's all

Have a nice day

@+ ;-))

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In SolidWorks they are solids.

No, I can't seem to have rendered without these pieces being transparent. Whether in "Mode" rendered general or by selecting the desired subset.

I attach a screen printout.

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What is the material of the part in SolidWorks?

Thank you for your GT22 tutorial, you did well it will still be useful for another project that is coming soon :-)


I attach the graphical view of the desired subset, in solidworks.

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