SOLIDWORKS 2024 - Lightening the Data of a Very Large Assembly


I could use help, I have to draw up the plans for a big project (career).
My main assembly is made up of the buildings (imported from the STP provided by the metal carpenter), the equipment of the other companies (step formats as well) and our equipment.

Without even displaying this building, all of my data slows down the PC I'm working on enormously.

I tried to open the assembly in resolved, in light, I also tried to convert the import step of the building by merging the polygon entities in 1 single conversion, but it's the same hassle to manipulate my parent assembly.

Do you have any ideas for making the building lighter? and make the software more fluid?

Thank you in advance.


We have exactly the same problems that we have partly solved by asking our carpenter to provide us with WWTP without screws, bolts and washers, which allows us to reduce the number of bodies in the WWTP.
But from what I imagine from your ASM there is no miracle cure.
If it's possible it's to redesign volumes including machines imported in step which will further reduce the number of bodies and circular faces that are sluggish for the graphics card.



You can use speedpacks, it can help.
For my part, I cut my assembly from head to sub-assembly that I reassembled in navisworks for example, which allows to have a much bigger and more fluid model for presentations


This method overcomes all my problems so far (but hey, I'm at the machine level, not on site...):
Ultimate Import Geometry Optimization for Large Assemblies - TriMech Group

Happy watching!


Also available here for those who don't want to receive emails from Trimech:


During the mycad 2023 threw intervening precisely to give ways of simplification the big steps a summary document had been made that I share it could help.
May the force be with you.
myCAD 2023.pdf Roundtable (1.6 MB)



I carried out the manipulations proposed by Obiwan in the step of the buildings, I went from 18000 to 3500 entities.

However this doesn't solve my problem, I still have performance drops...
I work on a copy locally and not on the server in order to avoid " breaking everything", I have a 20 GB directory with all the elements of my folder, my master assembly file weighs 400 MB, the associated drawing ± 980 MB.
I desperately try to generate cross-sectional views at the different levels of one of the buildings.

I can't save (save as doesn't work), the message: " An unknown error occurred while accessing (path) " appears in a loop.

Edit: when I delete the section view that I managed to create, I manage to save, there must be a data in my section that it doesn't like.

Any ideas to get around this problem?

We had the presentation of DELMIA Plant Layout Designer, a software available with a role of the 3Dexperience (and 1 post less😂).
This software is supposed to improve the management of large 3D-2D implementations with 2d and 3d import of any software.
On paper it seems quite convincing, the video clip was quite nice.
I'm well aware that it's not really the demand but if Dassault created this software it's because they are aware that under SW it becomes unmanageable this kind of file. (And that they won't do much else to improve it)
Small video link of presentation:

For my part, I have to be able to test it via a Visiativ sales representative and I have one or 2 building test files under revit that we have never managed to open under SW. :hot_face:

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[ Fashion: Arrggg! One

If it is necessary to:

  • " Treat " to the entire Delmia suite
  • Remobilize everything in ultra degraded mode
  • and buy in addition to some new " Users " bricks under 3Dconnect
    all to view a plant in a proprietary format...
    I'm waiting for feedback from @sbadenis but frankly I'm not convinced.

If you can understand what exactly the Delmia suite is with the info below... because me...

Fashion: Arrggg! Off ]

Sorry for the Off-Topic.

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@Maclane, the advantage of Delmia Plant Layer is precisely the fact that you can retrieve the environments from Dassault (Catia and SW) as they are, if you update your machine in Catia or SW when you open your implementation under Delmia Plan, it is updated. It's more graphically that it doesn't load the slightest detail, a small screw in the middle of the machine... And the level of detail is adjustable for MEP and assembly with of course a few seconds for a low detail to 20-30mn for a lot of detail.
But for me as for others, we will be forced to go through it because it is very difficult (if not impossible) to make a big factory installation under SW.
And unless you do with PTC creo like @OBI_WAN not too many other solutions.
And owner yes, but just like SW, as you are already " married ", you might as well stay with the same one if the cost is close and the solution easier.
Finally to be tested and confirmed if necessary.
For the other part of Delmia, Project management, real PLC management on the virtual line, cycle management and calculation... That's nice too, but all these are still promises and you have to test and see in reality...

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Good evening

You should also take a close look at the speedpack options. This only allows you to load the bare essentials for each assembly. For installation, it is enough to put only a few exterior parts.
Where there is a risk of interference, you add those that could come into contact to check

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Hi all

My problems are still not solved, even though I have made good progress.

I exported my entire parent asm in parasolid format and then imported it to create a new asm from this export.

I've gained in fluidity and I can generate my cuts, except that I can't save.

So I deleted all the components and activated them one by one while trying to save. I ended up identifying the component generated from an STP that blocked me.

Believing the problem to be solved, I continued to make my cuts, but that nini.

I place a section, which is badly oriented when it is created, I save for safety, when I reverse its direction, the backup problem reappears.

I tried to filter the entities by excluding all components (except my building) and I still have my file access rights problem.

Do you have any leads?

Thank you in advance.

Personally, to relieve my PC on certain steps, I ask to save the asm in parts and then convert it to a step.

I don't need all the information about parts or arbo of the step, it makes the opening much lighter (only one validation to do instead of 400 on the asm for the material...)

After you can surely try to record the heavy steps in pieces and then use them ...


What concerns me in the screenshot of @info.gascoin19 is that Solidworks is trying to access the temporary files...
And even more surprising is the amount of subdirectories to access the *.slddrw file.

So I ask myself the question: Where was the file really saved and what are the settings of Solidworks to get it to work in this directory.
I'll also take a look at the automatic backup settings for your Solidworks.

Kind regards.


I was the one who chose this folder to work locally and not on the server. I had data loss, corrupted and unrecoverable asm file during a crash...

We managed to recover the file from a backup, so for the manipulations made, I made a local copy of my folder.

Even when I save to the NAS, I encounter the problem.

Generally speaking, directories named Temp (or time) are, as their name suggests, temporary directories.
Well-made software must " purge/purge/delete " the contents of this directory every time it closes its process.
A less well-designed software will " purge/purge/delete " the contents of all directories named TEMP.
=> Never create directories with this name, let alone directly on your C:\

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@Maclane, a Temp folder at the base of the C, is not necessarily emptied by software unless it is included in a cleaning software.
I have a temp folder (created by mano) on the C with files dating back 4-5 months while I regularly clean up the temporary files via the option in windows 10 and it doesn't affect this folder.
And under windows that I've been using for a few years never had any problems naming a folder C:\Temp which becomes my temporary garbage folder! :rofl:

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Hello. I would try this:
1- I save the different sub-assemblies in SW assembly format.
(Before, check if there are no errors during the reconstruction, edges/faces to be repaired.
2- then I would create an assembly by first inserting the main object I am working on (choose one, the most relevant)
3- I would import the other sub-assemblies made with 1-, but in ENVELOPE mode.
4- Test.
I have already solved an unusual slowness in this way.
Also check your SW version and your machine capabilities. Everything ages very quickly, not just humans. ! [

Good luck.

Personally, I use this little option to open the WWTPs:

I find that the opening of the WWTP is cleaner and faster. I then break the ties.
It also allows you to save only one file in .sldasm, without a slew of .sldprt

If it helps.

Hi all

I ended up identifying the 2 sets that block me from backing up, they are 2 machines provided by another company.

Applying the setting recommended by @PaaKo, I tried to generate assemblies from the steps that were communicated to us and it doesn't work, I also tried to create a multi-body PRT from the assembly and the bug continues.

I also tried the Iges and Parasolid formats, without success.

I have attached the initial steps received, a charitable soul could try to manipulate/lighten this data?

C220866 Imerys left Side_step. STEP (260.3 MB)

C220866 Imerys right Side_step. STEP (248.5 MB)