Solidworks VS Solidworks, which is the least unstable?

yes I know, probably the thorniest question Ever.

What is the least crash version released after the 2020 that you used?

Thank you.

Hi Sylk,
I'd say the 2020, but the previous versions were better.
Now all the corrections made a very long time ago are all coming back.
We are in SW 2022 SP4...
To be continued, @+.

Hi Sylk
For my part, we are in SW2023SP5 and it seems to me that it crashes less than the 2022 and the 2021.
So of course you have to record often (basic instruction) and the seedlings often happen during the drawings.


Hi all
For my part, I'm on the 2024 SP3.1.
Main use in sheet metal and mechanically welded, few large assemblies, rather multiple bodies.
Relatively stable, I join @Le_Bidule . It is mainly on the drawings that it crashes.
Sometimes, just by opening without there being any plan updates or just like that by doing (a priori) nothing!
Good luck...


For me there is no good or bad version, especially in the last 3-4 (What?).
It depends on too many parameters: machine (machine configuration), use, way SW is installed (network or local, configuration file and configuration file imported from old version or not...) I also forgot the way of working (leaving constraints unsolved, parts not fixed) doing a lot of sub-assembly or not, a lot of configs or not, parts in the context or not...
And all these parameters added to each other can make it a less stable version, or even regularly more or less unstable! :cold_face:
For my part SW2023 SP5 previously SW2020 SP05
I would say a little more crash in SW2023 on large assembly but very limited machine (graphics card with drivers not recognized in SW2023 while recognized in SW2020).
On the other hand, opening faster in 2023. And obviously even more so in SW2024 (not tested because not in SP4 or 5).
EDIT: Concerning me, very few crashes (less than 5 in general per week) with moderately heavy assembly unlike some colleagues.
On the other hand, never a part with a degree of freedom and absolute rigor in the design of the SW config and model parts, redone with each version...


Currently under 2323 SP5 and it's a real disaster at 10000€.
The most stable one I've had is the 2015 which was a pure treat and since then it's zero.


Wow!!! OBI_Wan,
Already in 2323 sp5, you traveled to the future!! Wow!!!
Enough joking, I'm kidding, lol.
Have a nice day @+.


yes I'm coming back from the future Marty and as you can see there will still be no improvement :wink:


Oh I was sure of your answer!! :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

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Ah? I had put this slip of the tongue on the fact that you've been living in a galaxy far, far away for a long time...


=> Back to 2015<= alors ?


The idea is seductive but paradoxical with the Retro compatibility :thinking:

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We're already going to move on to the 2024 as soon as the sp5 is released. Well, fingers crossed.
We changed suppliers to SW. We are no longer at Visiativ but at Avenao.
They have to come soon to carry out an audit, I can't wait to have another opinion.

Always interesting, although in my opinion the problem(s) come first and foremost from Dassault Systèmes and they are, alas, the only ones who can really improve things.

Yes for sure but I think it's good to see how else approaches the subject. Maybe they have another way of apprehending things, we'll see.

Hello OBI_WAN,
I prefer Visiativ, avenao, NO!!.
Keep us informed, maybe they've changed, LAUGH!!.


@OBI_WAN for our by we did 2 audits with Visitiv.
The 1st with a network specialist from Visiativ who had helped us to better configure the server, we had made an x 6 to 8 during opening time...
And of course, better network = less crashes.
The other audit had provided us with areas for improvement for large assemblies.
And I still have to test the DELMIA Plant Layout Designer software (3Dexperience) in order to get an idea of this software for large implementations.
Implementation of 3D SW or catia step machine of point cloud and 2d plan (top view to implement the 3D if needed). On presentation it seems very nice (Fast and fluid! vs SW) but I ask to test.

For your audit, I wish you to find some points of improvement that are also conclusive. Given what you sometimes open and the number of crashes there is surely a problem. (see other posts)


Hello colleagues,

It's been a long time since I've been here :weary::weary::weary:. For my part and it doesn't make me any younger, it was the 2011, I found it really nice to be able to integrate the welds as a part in an assembly, it was more meaningful and we had the weight of everything and really without crash and it seems to me that it was the only version where I didn't have any bugs...


Hello OBI_WAN,
just a little information about " Avenao " =>Hello everyone - #3 by Aliende

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Hi O master @OBI_WAN ,
What was your interest in changing retailers?
I had brought Avenao to discuss and there was no financial interest at the time (they are all constrained by SW rates)