Part of my room is transparent following the reopening of my room

I went back up the construction shaft and it is once past a circular drill hole repitition that the problem occurs.


What's the problem? Thank you.




When you lower your recovery bar, does the face reappear? Same question if you place it just before your rehearsal?


If it persists, start by closing and restarting SW.


Maybe a graphical pb? Check your driver version to see if it is compatible with the version of SW you are using.

Kind regards

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See on the SolidWorks support site:


This has already happened to me when I insert a part into another part file.

A one-off link problem arose (unknown reason) I had to systematically reopen the basic part file in parallel to refresh the link. and everything went back to the way it was before


did you try to do Ctrl + Q?



The same problem arises if I lower my recovery bar at the end of my shaft. The only time the problem isn't present is when the replay bar is before the repeat.


I tried ctrl+q and it doesn't change anything.


I don't think it's a driver problem; All my parts have always worked well, there's just this one. In addition, I tried to open it on another computer and it does the same problem.


I'm not in an assembly but in an sldprt file.

Try erasing your repeat and then doing it again

By changing materials, colour or scene?

And when you do the first function just before your rehearsal, what happens?


Check your driver as indicated by @jmsavoyat... We may be surprised!!


Is it possible to join the room?


Which version of SW?




Solidworks drivers often have to be changed when it crashes, but another nice thing happened to me recently, it's an assembly that has priced the name of a part on the list, and there are parts that have disappeared. 


I tried to delete the repeat and redo it and I have the same problem.


The change in colour and materials does not change anything.


When I do the function before the rehearsal, everything works fine.



I found the problem, but not the solution. In my room, the problem is a small angle, as seen in the attached image. When I change the highlighted odds, from 0.191, to the true odds, to 0.188, the bug occurs.


One of your holes should become tangential to this surface. The same problem can indeed be encountered with some imported parts where one edge is tangent to another (example of a countersink tanging to the side of the part) the thickness then becomes zero and SW does not support, unlike others. I'm not sure I'm clear!


Work on the depth of your original drill (through all or to the next surface,... ) or the options for your repeat.

I think I understand yes.


I changed the drilling depths, the reference planes, nothing seems to help. I'll have to deal with it!

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So look at the level of repetition. In the options with cotes or unchecked.


You could make screen prints of these 2 functions. There has to be a solution. Maybe a hack by modifying a side by a few tenths, but there is a way out.

Here is the print screen of the drilling function.


Here is the print screen of the repeat function.


It's weird though...


If you vary the number of occurrences, or even put only 2 occurrences at 5/10°... Try to identify the particular case that is disturbing. Or remove one of the 2 original holes.


Are your holes on a flat face or on a section of a cone? (image bug.png shows a side of 0.191 on the left and 0.170 on the right and therefore makes me think so). Is your drilling sketch a 2D or 3D sketch?


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The drilling sketch is in 2D, on a straight plane, which is offset from the top plane.


When I remove the hole towards the outside of the part, the problem disappears. Strange.