This is a question that is not software but is related to our job in the design office. Are you affected by the new collective agreement for the metallurgy sector and if so (and if you accept) what is your classification? For my part, I am back to being a simple draughtsman classified D8 clearly under rating compared to the scoring grid which corresponds very little to the reality of our profession... and of course without the possibility of evolution. A friend of mine I met during my studies is E10 for the same position...
I am not concerned by this agreement, but reading it, it is a bit of a gas factory.
If you have gone from a managerial status to a technician status (nothing pejorative in my words) you have to see with your hierarchical stratum to recalibrate this. We had the case in our branch at one time and we had it reviewed quickly (designer requalified as a draughtsman, it didn't go down well with all employees at the time)
For our part, we should be presented with this soon, so to date we are waiting for the classification to date just 2 pre-meetings to quickly explain the clauses and the new job description.
However, @coin37coin seems to have the same classification:
Yes I am concerned but I will not know my classification until the beginning of January.
Yep! Hello @DoubleL and welcome to the team of " not-content "
Clearly, here too there is a complain about the requalification of positions... And we're waiting to see how it goes.
Otherwise, to go your way, having done a tour around me, it varies between E9 and E10 (at the foot of the frames). And it seems much more logical to me. Now, with D8, I feel like I'm at the beginning of my career without any autonomy!
Have you tried to calculate your points by yourself to see if you fall like them?
If necessary, we have made a file that I attach
Position classification pts - Vierge.xlsx (19.6 KB)
I'm exactly in the same case as you @coin37coin coef 305 and then I'd go to D8 while by recalculating the points in relation to the tasks of the FDE I arrive at E9 but anyway that's how it is and then that's it we have to accept without flinching and period... And the ponpon on the cake, as the other would say, is that we are becoming "cartoonists" again, which really gives the impression of having been "categorized" by people who don't know our job, which is even more infuriating
Bjr @OBI_WAN strange, normally they have to present it to you at least 1 month before its application on January 1st...
Ho, do you think it's done like that? they wouldn't dare anyway
Once again, it jumps out at us that people don't know what we do at the BE!
We saw ourselves decked out with the title that came out of nowhere as a "designer" for the occasion.
As a result, I try to do only what they imagine me to do. After all, if they are willing to pay me that price to do less... It's their business. And at worst, they will see that we are doing a little more than their beliefs (Can you feel the anger?)
And you have one month to sign and/or contest it
We don't sign, you have a month to say that you're not happy and that's it but a priori nothing will change! On the other hand, they told us that there is no link between the FDE (Fiche Descriptive d'Emploi) and the job description which is very well done, so if you only follow your FDE they would still be able to say that you are not doing your job!
Bjr @DoubleL ,
The information I have is that the official date to give you your classification is January 01. It would not be obligatory to give it to you before.
Same thing with us @OBI_WAN, presentation of the job sheet 1 month before application, with signature that it has been presented to us (but no contestation possible).
And on hold (January 1st?) classification.
1 month before application, if it's for an application on the first of January it might be time!
For the job description it's done but not for the classification. Probably not mandatory a month before?
Good question, you have to check that
The easiest way is to fill in the rating grid and if your calculation gives a higher category, you write to your HR director to tell them that their proposal does not cover the specificities of your position.
As classification is correlated with a minimum wage, HR departments systematically tend to place staff at the lowest possible level.
On the other hand, the new system does not take experience into account at all. So someone coming out of school will have the same coeff as someone who has made his career in the position (if their tasks/jobs are strictly identical).
Nb: With us they managed the schedule rather well: transmission of the job description (generic) in October and filing at the beginning of December. A priori they are obliged to give you your ranking 1 month before the application (so everyone should have had it at the beginning of December).
I have already had an initial discussion with the HR department, but she has immediately stuck to her positions
Nice table but doesn't seem to work properly (at least on my excel): it counts 1 for each column (bottom total) regardless of the position of the X in the column.
So you have to negotiate (not necessarily easy if you don't have delegates)...
Normal, you have to go up the board from the bottom to the top, and put a mark every time it concerns you.
Basically, if you are at pts6 in communication, du must have put 6 marks in the column. It allows you to really read each definition, to check if you are concerned and to stop as soon as it is no longer the case