myCADtools tools: new 2024 SP2 update

Hi all

The new 2024 SP2 version of the myCADtools is online!

The 2024 SP2 setup is compatible with all versions from SOLIDWORKS 2018 up to and including SOLIDWORKS 2024 .

The R&D team always listens to users and consultants who work with customers in order to implement CAD solutions. This release includes nearly 155 fixes and enhancement requests:

  • 60% changes on different tools
  • 40% bug fixes

Check out the latest fixes and download the update now!

Have a nice day :slight_smile:


Hell, I don't see any improvements on the Tolerance tool. Too bad :frowning:

Hello @coin37coin

What improvements would you like to see? Do not hesitate to let us know because most of the corrections are requests from users!
Maybe it will be for the next update :wink:


I open the ball of grievances:
In Integration, when you add several properties from an excel table, you have to point several times (on each line the path to the same Excel file (usually it's the same)
Would it be possible by default or via a button to retrieve the Excel file from the previous row? Or do you only have to point once to the Excel file?
Here 5 lines and 5 times to go and get the file (or 1 time then copy paste in the next 4)

Request for improvement already requested a few years ago but not carried out to date. With a bit of luck if it's feasible in a future version! :wink:


@Coralie , this is the request I made in this topic:

Tolerance in myCADtool - 2D Plan / Drawing - myCAD Forum (

It's noted, I'm bringing up your request!


Hello @sbadenis ,

Maybe the new DataRecovery tool can meet your need.

It allows you to extract the properties of your documents from a Windows folder or a 3DEXPERIENCE Bookmark into an Excel file and then re-import the modified Excel file in order to enhance/create/modify your SOLIDWORKS or 3DEXPERIENCE properties in bulk

Kind regards


I am continuing the grievances... so as not to repeat myself, I'll just put the link to my post on Project Manager 2024 sp2:

But my main request would be in essence:
Improve the readability and accessibility of your tools...
keep (Visiativ editors) always in mind that not all users are necessarily the people who have " programmed" the utilities and it is essential that they (or they) can clearly identify the actions carried out or to be carried out...

Kind regards.

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DataRecovery seems interesting to me but for another use.
Here the goal is to fill in the MEP properties with the nomenclature values extracted with Smartbom and then to export this MEP with the properties filled in in pdf. Then to empty the properties of the MEP.
The properties are:
Qty, Qty by Benchmark, Benchmark, Case No., and Case Name.
For this Integration works very well but the disadvantage is to fill the same path 5 times.
For each business launch in pdf you have to indicate 5 times the path of the Excel file, I would like to indicate it the 1st time and then have as a favorite that retrieves the values of the 1st line for example.
For your information, the method to release our PDFs was dictated to us by Visiativ.
The only point for improvement that several of my colleagues are asking for is the one mentioned.
It might be possible in the 1st line to create a variable link to excel file.
Then in the next 4 lines to have the name of this variable to retrieve the value and be able to save this rule.
As in the following case, only the link of the variable in the 1st line is to be modified

I understand that ProjectExplorer is going to be integrated into FindDocuments... Do you have a more precise date to give us?
Yours sincerely

We should also update the online help with the 2024 tools...


A lot of new features are not even commented on or identified on this document.
SmartBom (Beta)
FindDocument (with ProjectExplorer integration -[A bad idea in my opinion]; ProjectManager and its new interface...)

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This is already present in the new online version.


Kind regards

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We try to be as up-to-date as possible, please let us know the new features that will not be present in order to correct this?
Regarding SmartBom, the new version is a Beta so we are not communicating about it for the moment.

As for the help on FindDocuments normally everything is here:

Kind regards

Thank you for your feedback


If I understand correctly, you only want to display these properties on the PDF?

Maybe see to do it directly with SmartBom:

Kind regards


Suggested improvements for Drawing translate:
Add the ability to choose between

  • the creation of a new sheet per language (current mode of operation)
  • and the creation of a new layer per language (suggested new mode of operation).

Rationale for request:

In the case where a definition plan contains several dozen sheets (e.g. construction of mechanically welded chassis → several sheets for the whole + 1 sheet for each welded element, 114 sheets), multiply this number of sheets by 2 or 3 to add the translated version of each of them... it's scary! and that impacts performance. In addition, if a change to the plan is required, you must either make the change to the base sheets and their translation sheets or, preferably, delete the translation sheets before editing and then run the DrawingTranslate tool again.

On the other hand, duplicating existing notes in the same location, grouping them so that they are all moved simultaneously and associating notes with layers (e.g., " Note", " Note_EN ", " Note_DE ") to manage their display and printing seems more relevant.


I hope this doesn't spell the end of Projectexplorer as a " StandAlone "...!! Or we would need (for the use we make of the ' FindDocument ' tool) a second database and the possibility of switching from one DB to another.

Currently, the " FindDocument " tool is only dedicated to our 3D library of commercial components and its 15,000 references... (which are permanently read-only -CQFD-) So the association of Project Explorer in this utility makes no sense to us.

Kind regards.